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Replacing a garden tub with the Theratub walk-in Tub


Help Independence Day! #4thofjuly


Theratub Walk-in Tub Right Entry tub. #americanmade


The Theratub Walk-In Tub replacing a former shower stall.


Right Hand entry tub, replacing a former shower space


This TheraTub unit includes air jets, water jets, friction heater, wall surround, temperature controlled anti- scolding valve, quick drain, and a feature that has been increasingly popular the shower rise bar, so customers can utalize the tub as both a walk in tub as well as a shower. Typically priced below $10,000 with a lifetime guarantee. Feel free to contact us for a quote. Support made in the USA!!


Last week we received a nice email from a customer that purchased the Theratub two years ago. "I purchased the Tub for my wife and she passed away before she could ever use it. I have had to have some daily IV for the last couple of weeks so I started using the tub because I couldn't use the shower. It's wonderful, luckily I did get all the bells & whistles and it's a wonderful way to clean up without danger of falling. It works perfectly and I was asked for a review but, si...nce no one was using it it sat for a couple of years. Two of our daughters moved to New Mexico and one sprained her knee so she may take it for a spin. The Thera tub has been a good addition and I'm sure I will get a lot of use out of it. It works as advertised too bad my wife never got to use it. Thank you for getting back to me, Larry M, New Mexico"


A right entry Walk-in tub with wall surround.


Former Garden tub. With our side shelves, we are able to take up the same footprint as the original tub.


Before and after photos of a corner tub.


Phone: 866-686-8827

Website: www.theratub.com/theratub-walk-in-tubs-contact-us

Followers: 1105


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