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Very young children need time to rebuild their comfort level & confidence in the pool. Often after being out of the pool for several months they are "scared" when they get back in the pool the first several times. This is normal. I suggest talking this through with them. If they are old enough to have a conversation ask them why they are scared. Then let them know that you will keep them safe and it's "ok" to be scared. Consider getting them back in lessons before the pools open to give them that time to feel safe and relearn safety skills. . #buildingconfidentswimmers, #encourageyourswimmer, #justkeepswimming


Hello All! It is crazy to think that we are almost a quarter through 2021! But you know what that means!!! It's almost swim season! I have had a few swim families reach out to me to book for the 2021 season. With spring right around the corner and the summer not far behind I'd like to get the ball rolling with my schedule. There is certainly no rush, but if you know that you definitely want to schedule lessons for your child please reach out to me in the next few weeks and let me know. If you know that you need a certain day/time please let me know that as well. I look forward to seeing you and your kiddos very soon! xo Coach Kinda


Hello swim families, Despite these unusual times, I had the most amazing summer with your children and you! I was so grateful to be able to do the thing that I LOVE- teaching your children how to swim, be safe around the pool and ENJOY the water! Especially during such a crazy time! I love watching your kiddos learn and grow! If you want to continue weekly, or bi-weekly lessons and have not already told me, please reach out to me to get on my schedule for Sharkies. Now that... the weather is turning cooler it is time to head indoors to keep up swim skills over the fall and winter. I will offer afternoon slots and weekend slots. If you are taking a break over the fall and winter I highly recommend reaching out to me before the pools open so that your swimmer can refresh their skills before your pool reopens in the spring. In these uncertain times the saying holds true- Just keep swimming!


Hello all, Well, these past few weeks have been a wild ride for us all, I'm sure! I am hoping that you are all healthy and somehow adjusting to this situation. Crazy how nothing looks like it did just a month ago! I wanted to post an update. By executive order, Sharkies will remain closed for April. Of course, none of us knows what May will look like yet, but I'm hoping, like all of you I'm sure, that we will have flattened the curve by then and we can begin to resume so...me activities sometime in May and June. That said, I'd like to plan to resume swim lessons once the pools open, which is generally mid-May. I will reach out to each of you personally, but if you are planning to still do swim lessons this summer (and I hope you are!) I would like to firm up my schedule. Again, please stay safe and healthy! And sane! Hope to see you soon!! Much love, Coach Kinda


Hi all! As many of the pools are reopening and making plans to reopen please remember that in most cases your child has not been in the pool regularly for many months. Even if they swam independently last summer it is very important that you remain vigilant as they get back in the pool! Kids often "forget" how to swim over the winter months. This can happen up until age 6 or even older. Many times they have lost confidence because they have not practiced their skills. Ki...ds are also programmed to be afraid of the pool because as parents we want to keep them safe! Remember, drowning is silent and kids can slip in and under very quickly! Also, due to the current situation and so many things being changed in your child's life over the past two to three months, this may impact their experience around the pool or during swim lessons. Please, be safe and be well! Sending all my swim families my love! Can't wait to see you all soon!


If you would like to schedule swim lessons this spring before the pools open, or this summer, please reach out to me with your preferred days/times. I am starting to get more requests. We can get started in March/April at Sharkies, or Windy Hill Athletic Club (you don't have to be a member), or wait until your pool opens. Either way, I'd love to hear from you! Looking forward to seeing you & your swimmer soon!


On this last day of 2020, I want to thank all of my swim families for the privilege of teaching your child how to swim! It is always an honor for me to teach kids this life-saving skill and a love and respect for the water! I wish you all the very best for 2021! Regardless of what happens in this new year let's remember what's important and support each other in our community! Love to you all!


Hi all! I had a thought today that I want to share with my swim families. I am a small business owner as a swim coach and a health/life coach. I have been out of work for almost 8 weeks now and am not sure what the summer will bring regarding pools opening and being able to do swim lessons like "normal." That said, until the point when I can start teaching lessons I know that many of you may be home with the kids doing Zoom meetings, etc and in need of some time to work with...out interruption. If you are in need of an hour or two I will come to your house and take your child(ren) outside to play if it's a nice day, or if not I will keep your child entertained inside. In addition to being a swim coach I was a Playball coach for 5 years, and a children's director at a health club for 5 years. I'm also CPR/First Aid certified. And I'm a mom & grandma! If you are on my page you probably know most of this already! Anyway, wanted to throw it out there! Please feel free to share with any other Smyrna peeps. My cell is 770-549-0477. I will charge $20/hr. Hopefully, we can help each other out! See more


I pray that all of my swim families are doing okay. As things begin to open I trust that everyone will make the right decisions for their unique situations and family. My plan is to resume teaching when the pools open, which is generally mid to end of May. Many subdivisions will be making decisions about opening pools and making their own judgments about how to keep their residents safe. Likewise, I will be doing the same. I hope and pray that we have flattened the curve... enough and that folks will use reasonable caution in slowly resuming some activities. I think the longer we can wait things out, the better. I will continue to put my schedule together and reach out to you all individually. If anything has changed for your family due to the circumstances and you want to take time to see how things go I totally respect your decision. I just ask that you let me know so that I can plan accordingly. I look forward to seeing you at the pool this summer! See more


Dear Swim Families, This week off is tough! I miss my swimmers! As of this moment, Sharkies is closed for the remainder of this week, but planning to reopen next week. I plan to "self-quarantine" for one more week because we may have been exposed and I don't want to take any chances passing along anything unknowingly. I am not exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, nor is my family and all of us are feeling healthy! We are making the most of this time at home and enjoying ...each other! After next week, barring anything unexpected I will plan to go back to Sharkies to teach. They are taking several precautions, which I am comfortable with. IF YOU ARE COMFORTABLE TOO AND WANT YOUR SWIMMER TO RETURN, feel free to let me know and we'll schedule it! If you do NOT, I completely respect your personal decision! We are all individuals and MUST do what is right for our individual families and circumstances! I hope that everyone is staying healthy and safe (and sane!) Much love to you ALL!! Hope to see you soon! See more


Important message: Parents, please note that the following policies for swimmer/coach health & safety & coronavirus: If you or your child has had a fever, cough or runny nose within the last 48 hours I ask that you keep your swimmer home. Additionally, if you have traveled to a high impact area, or internationally please reschedule swim lessons for a period of 14 days from your return. These policies will be followed in an abundance of caution and to keep everyone safe & healthy! If you need to cancel/reschedule due to the above circumstances please just give me as much notice as possible, but know that I totally understand! Thank you!


UPDATE: If you previously reached out to me regarding scheduling swim lessons and still want to do lessons please text or call me to reconfirm. I know many folks have had their normal schedules impacted by working from home, so there have been changes to request different times. Also, if you previously reached out to me to schedule lessons and are no longer able to do lessons for any reason please let me know. Looking forward to seeing my swimmers at the pool!... Stay well, everyone!


Many of you are planning spring break trips to someplace sunny and warm. If your trip includes a pool or you will be at the beach you might consider doing some refresher lessons to let your little one reacclimate to the water. Very young swimmers often "forget" how to swim after being out all fall and winter. This is normal if your child is not swimming regularly over the colder months and can happen up until around the age of 6 (sometimes even older.) Children need time to become comfortable, regain their confidence and relearn safety skills.


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