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Rumor has it, swim suits are on the shelves! Feels like I share education this earlier every year, & every year I hear "Wow!! I never thought of that!". Chances... are, neither have your friends, so please share! It could save a life. Choose vibrant colors that contrast the water. #sheilasfish #gemcityswim #watersafety#watersafetytips #beachbabies #poolside #lakelife #watersafetyawareness #bestsummerever See more


From Courtney Holstege: ISR Survival Story April 30, 2019 | JoAnn Barnett, ISR SMI Milo’s Survival Story:... Milo was taught ISR at 6 months old and again at 20 months. 2 months after his first refresher was the accident. He fell into my parents pool May 25, 2015. Memorial Day that year will forever be etched in my head. We were having a family get together at my moms, and outside in the backyard playing. My parents have a slide to their pool and my husband was letting Milo go down it and then catching him before he went into the water. Since the water was too cold to swim in at the time. He did this many times as Milo was having so much fun! Something we now both regret. After a couple hours playing we all went in to eat and let the kids calm down. At the time of the accident we were all chatting inside the house when we realized Milo wasn’t with us. There were 6 adults and 4 kids, except a kid was missing. We searched the entire house before realizing he got outside. Through 6 adults and a locked slider-he made it out with no one noticing. We found him face up floating in the deep end of the pool (10' deep). He was floating patiently for someone to come get him. My brother in law dove in to get him out of pure adrenaline. Once I got around to him he saw me and began to cry. He was scared and shaking. But he was fine, he was alive and he was safe. He was so scared but stayed so calm until he knew he could let it out. I look back at this picture and it does not bring me joy any longer. You see, this is the last picture we took as a family before the accident. This picture, had it not been for ISR, would be the last picture I would have ever taken of my first born son. This picture just makes me think of the what-ifs. What if he didn’t have training? What if we paid better attention? What if I didn’t sacrifice the time to bring him to ISR? I know what the results would have been had he not had this training. I know that sinking feeling of seeing your kid in the water. Knowing they got by you and snuck out. Knowing the absolute worst that would have happened to Milo, had he not been trained. He would not have been floating on his back waiting for us. This would have been the last family picture ever taken with him in it. He was 22 months old and hadn’t even had time to find out what his favorite color was. Almost 4 years later and he is an amazing big brother to Logan and Dawson - who is now the same age as Milo was at the time of the accident. He loves kindergarten and is learning to ride a bike without training wheels. He plays soccer, but TBall is his favorite. Also, his favorite color is green! Because of ISR, we have had so many more special and memorable moments with this beautiful child. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because you saved my child's life that day and you weren't even there. You are a blessing to our family. #drowningprevention #puddlejumpers #swim #health #wellness #emmyandlevi #leviandemmy #watersafety #notonemorechilddrowns #isr #CaliISR #ISRGrandRapids #infantswimmingresource #infantswim #parenting #children #didyouknow


REMINDER TO TROY SWIMMERS!! No lessons tomorrow, Monday, January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. See you Tuesday!


An approved floatation device!!


Water Safety Month tip for the day: Kids are top heavy. They can get themselves into places they can’t necessarily get themselves back out of. So filled kiddie ...pools are a drowning risk for them. Remember even 1 inch of water is enough for a child to drown. Remember that kids love water and may not want to be done in it when you say it’s time for them to be done. So many drownings happen when kids sneak back to water when they aren’t supposed to even be near where the water is. Rules don’t change that. Kids under 5 do not have the brain development to be able to follow rules in a consistent way, without you being there to stop them from disobeying. Empty that kiddie pool as soon as your family is done with it each day! Toys entice kids. They are already attracted to water. Toys will just add another layer of temptation for them. Get all toys out of the pool when you are done using it for the day. #judahbrownproject #dontletthemdrown #beavoice #WaterSafetyMonth


Attention REFRESHERS MAINTENANCE ... LAST YEARS MARCH SESSION (interrupted by the shutdown) Check your email! You have priority scheduling for the March 1st session. If you did not receive an email from me, please reach out! Let’s chat before January 15th about what your kiddo needs to get ready for summer!


A very eager start to the session! Day one of 2021 lessons in the book! Can’t wait for tomorrow!


It’s finally OPEN!! This session is already filling up quickly! Let’s get your child ready for a safe and fun summer!! Contact me for details at [email protected]... See more


Potential for thunderstorms late morning/early afternoon! Even though we are indoors, we cannot be in the pool when there is lightning. I will do my best to let you know of any scheduling delays/cancellations as soon as possible!


See you tomorrow Troy swimmers! See you tomorrow Troy swimmers!


Website: http://www.infantswim.com

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