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Dear Freedom Pool Service Customers, Here are a few pointers as pertaining to the forecasted freeze warning for this weekend. Pools on automated control will have freeze protection built-in, but it's prudent to take a peak at the equipment once the temperature drops to verify that it's running. Pools without an automated control will need to be turned on so the pumps will run through the cold spell. We don't need to run booster pumps because they will have water circulating i...n them due to the main pump, but DO turn on water feature pumps, like for waterfalls or fountains that have circulation independent of the main system. Also, I know that many people like to wrap their pipes and equipment like they do their plants, that's fine for the filter and the pipes, but please don't wrap your pumps as the motors will get very hot and may overheat. We're available throughout this freeze if you have any additional questions or need emergency help. Have a great weekend and stay safe! See more


Chip-out and Bond Coat finished, ready for Plaster


The Replaster that we started August 6


Finishing up another Replaster


Anyone looking for work with experience cleaning pools?


Finishing up the Plaster and fittings... about to turn on the water and start filling it


Starting another Replaster today! We also have to replace the skimmer, don't underestimate how important the mastic in the coping-to-deck joint is, when water gets in there and erodes under the deck it can crush the skimmer as it settles away.


A customer asked me how much it cost to do this job.... I answered him: $ 1500 He said: So expensive for this job? I asked: How much do you think it would cost you? He answers me: $ 800 maximum... That's a pretty simple job right? !"... - For $ 800 I invite you to do it yourself. - But.... I don't know how to. - For $800 I'll teach you how to do it. - It seemed right to him and he agreed. - Now you have to go get the supplies and pay for them. - But I don't have a truck.. - ok... - But to get started: you also need tools: A welder, grinder, chop saw, drill press, welding hood, gloves etc... - But I don't have all these equipment and I can't buy all of these for one job. - Well then for another $300 more I'll rent my stuff to you so you can do it. - Okay, he says. - Okay! Tuesday I'm waiting for you to start doing this work - But I can't on Tuesday I only have time today. - I'm sorry, but I'm only available Tuesday to teach you and lend you my stuff. Other days are busy with other customers. - Okay! That means I'm going to have to sacrifice my Tuesday, give up my tasks. - I forgot. To do your job yourself, you also have to pay for the nonproductive factors. - That is? What is this?" - Bureaucratic, tax, vat, security, insurance, fuel etc. - Oh no!... But to accomplish these tasks, I'm going to spend more money and waste a lot of time! - I'll make you a list of all the material you need. Truck loading is done Monday evening or Tuesday morning you'll have to come by 6 loading the truck. Don't forget to be on time to avoid traffic jams and be on time - At 6??? Nope! Too early for me! I used to getting up later. ... - You know, I've been thinking. Y ' all better get the job done. I'd rather pay you the $1500. If I had to, it wouldn't be perfect and it would cost me a lot more. When you pay for a job, especially handcrafted, you pay not only for the material used, but also: - Knowledge - Experience - Study - Tools - Services - Time to go - punctuality - Accountability - Professionalism - Accuracy - Guaranteed - Patents - Sacrifices - Safety and security - Payment of tax obligations No one can denigrate other people's work by judging prices. Only by knowing all the elements necessary for the production of a certain work can you estimate the actual cost. I did not write this dialogue, but am sharing it to support craftsmen and entrepreneurs.


Phone: (832) 840-0887

Website: http://www.freedompools-texas.com

Followers: 364


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