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Swimming is where we move in the water from point A to B. Which is why we don't want you to attempt this until you feel comfortable doing the following: SWIMMING BASICS... 1) Can put your face in the water with 0 nervous feelings or anxiety 2) Feel comfortable & relaxed front floating. 3) Feel comfortable gliding forward in the water. https://blog.swimable.com/how-to-swim-forward-propulsion Learn to Swim As Adult - Start for Free https://info.swimable.com/learn-to-swim-as-an-adult-free-vi


If your swimmer doesn't jump into the pool correctly they may slip & hit their heads against the side of the pool or hurt themselves in major ways. And that goes against the SwimAble ethos of the Pool being a FUN place to be. Jumping In is one of the 5 key SAFER SWIMMING SKILLS. ... This means we are going to try and practice it every time we are at the pool When you are practicing your jumps, and you have moved on from practicing your HUMPTY DUMPTY (see POWER OF PLAY PDF to understand what HUMPTY DUMPTY is) It is time to do BIG GIRL/BIG BOY JUMPS. The first thing you want to do tell your swimmer is: "TOES ON THE EDGE" Toes on the edge means they have a good grip on the ledge. Pool decks can be wet & slippery places, which is why we always hear people saying "no running". There are times kids can get overly excited about jumping into the pool, and they can jump in without having a solid grip. Which means they can slip and hurt themselves. Toes on the edge also gives you, the parent in the pool, a chance to be ready for your swimmer to jump in. This way you swimmer is jumping in safely and they have your full attention. Jumping In can be the most fun part of swimming lessons and we want to keep it that way. https://blog.swimable.com/jumping-into-the-pool


Learning how to swim as an adult is hard enough as is... here is coach jeff giving us some helpful hints for how you can learn to breathe if you are a beginning swimmer yourself https://blog.swimable.com/how-to-breathe-while-swimming-for


You can try all the tricks in the book, but you can only push so far. After that it is all about having fun.


When you signed up to teach your kids how to swim, you agreed to good days and bad days, progress over time, and a whole lot of fun quality time with your child. We will be honest with you, there will be lots of days where things won't run smooth, or when it feels like your little swimmer is regressing. But we believe in you, and we believe in the process, because we have seen it work.... Learning to swim is a journey in creativity and bonding with your child. There are few things we want to give you to help you in through this process. You are in control & You are creative. (more in blog below) https://blog.swimable.com/teaching-kids-to-swim


Website: http://swimable.com

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