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Town Council Meeting @ 7 pm tonight at town hall. They will be discussing the possible closing of the pool!! Please come out and support this great resource in our community! Over 600 kids took swimming lessons here last year. How many of those children will not learn to swim if they have to commute to Show Low for swimming lessons? How many can Show Low handle? AZ is #4 in the nation for accidental drownings for children under 15. Basic swimming instruction reduces the risk by 88%. Are we willing to take the risk?? Come out and make your voice heard!


The word is that they are likely not opening the pool this year. The roof leaks too bad and they have insufficient means to replace or repair it. This would mean 600+ kids would be out of luck for swimming lessons this year without traveling back and forth to Show Low (1 hr. round trip driving). The Sweet To has been put on free the last three years to raise money for the pool's needed repairs. Community businesses and individuals have generously donated their time resources... and means year after year to lift and help save this important resource. As it stands, we have come up short. The final bell hasn't been ring yet though, and there may be a way yet to save our cause, our venue, our resource. A city council meeting discussing the pool is to be held later this month. I am planning to attend - my wife and I have been looking into grants...if you have any ideas that might help us hold onto this precious resource we would certainly be grateful for your help. Thank you! - Drew Griffin Sweet Tri race director See more


Phone: +1 928-243-5502

Website: http://www.sweettri.com

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