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Last day of priority week !!!! Places not paid for open to non members next week , thank you for your continued support


Next enrolment is 18th November priority week finishes Sunday 24th, this will take you to March 2020 Don’t forget our Christmas party 16th December


Following government advise all our swim lessons will be put on hold. We will be back as soon as it is safe to continue. Please look after yourselves and anyone vulnerable you may know. Take care Jackie and Debbie xx


Thinking of all flippers swim academy members !! Hope you are all safe and coping with lockdown and especially home schooling We are missing you all and can’t wait until it’s safe for us to restart flippers .... Please take care , look forward to seeing you all again soon xx


Tetney road to marshchapel closed !!! Use the A16 louth road from grimsby and follow diversions to marshchapel


Hope you’ve all enjoyed the summer ? Swimming lessons start back next week 2nd September. The first week back is priority enrollment for all members of flippers swim academy , please pay in this week to keep your place as week beginning 9th September we will open up to non members .... Looking forward to seeing you all x


After the announcement from the PM last night unfortunately as we come under leisure we have to close for the 4 weeks lockdown that was implemented from Wednesday evening. I will be working as normal Monday Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and hopefully returning 3rd December but will inform people nearer that time. I would like to thank the children for returning with happy smiley faces full of enthusiasm to return to the water and also for the support of all the parents you’ve been amazing thank you . Stay safe and look after each See you all soon xx


Really sorry it’s short notice but no swimming tonight , had problems with the boiler over night all fine now but water won’t be up to temperature for tonight’s lessons . See you next week x


Priority week has finished !! Any places not paid for will now be open to non members , we will be in touch with people on our waiting list if a place suitable for their child becomes available


FLIPPERS CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!!!! Monday 16th December 4.30 to 6.30 Don’t miss out it was brilliant last year, mr shiny was amazing as always .... Don’t know who enjoyed it more us or the children Boys to bring a savoury dish girls sweet .


We will be following the government’s guidelines for the coronavirus outbreak. Swimming lessons will be running as normal but please think of others and do not attend if showing any symptoms . Keep safe x


Priority Re-Reg this week for members of flippers swim academy , places not paid for will be open to new members next week


Last day of priority week !!! Places not paid for will be open to non members next week .


Sorry for late notice but no swimming lessons tonight water temperature too cold


Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all our flippers family !! Thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas party, special thank you to the brilliant Me Shiny. We won’t be posting photos this year because of safeguarding issues , (we have lots of amazing people fostering children )... Lessons start back week beginning 6th January. xx