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Just because a child can swim doesn’t mean he can’t drown. Children can get tired, hurt, trapped, snagged, or disoriented. Even strong swimmers can get into trouble. While swimming lessons help save lives, children should always, always be supervised around water, and should wear lifejackets for boating and other water sports. Solo porque un niño sepa nadar no significa que no pueda ahogarse. ... Los niños pueden cansarse, lastimarse, quedar atrapados, engancharse o desorientarse. Incluso los nadadores fuertes pueden meterse en problemas. Si bien las lecciones de natación ayudan a salvar vidas, los niños siempre deben ser supervisados cuando están cerca del agua y deben usar chalecos salvavidas para pasear en bote y otros deportes acuáticos. - Harvard Medical School #parklandflorida #momsbocaraton #mom #parkland #bocaratonstyle #swimming #swimmingteacher #swimkids #safetyfirst #momsbocaraton #momlife #swim #swimmer


La mejor enseñanza es la que reciben tus hijos de ti. Fortalece los valores. Constancia, disciplina, honestidad, respeto.... Pregúntate si lo que estás haciendo hoy te acerca al lugar en el que quieres estar mañana Walt Disney - The best teaching is the one that your children receive from you. Constancy, discipline, honesty, respect. "Ask yourself if what you are doing today brings you closer to where you want to be tomorrow" Walt Disney #parklandflorida #parkland #swim #swimming #momsbocaraton #bocaratonstyle #mom #bocaratonmoms #bocaratonblogger #bocaratonflorida #swimmingpool #swimmer #swimmingteacher #teacher #teachingkids #mommyandme #venezolanosenelmundo #swimcoach


- - - "The water is your friend...you don't have to fight with water, just share the same spirit as the water, and it will help you move."... #swim #swimming #teacherlife #pool #bocaratonflorida #coralsprings #delraybeach #mom #babiesswimming #kidsswimming #swimmingteacher #swimmingclass #venezolanosenelmundo


Excelente entrenamiento con mi grupo Master... no hay nada como querer ser mejor cada día #swimming #swimmer #swimmingpool #swimminglessons #swimmingteacher #masterswim #masterswimming #tri #triathlonlife #sunrise #florida #bocaratonblogger


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The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do Let's go! learn to swim !!! El mayor placer en la vida es hacer lo que la gente dice que no puedes hacer... Vamos! Aprende a nadar!!!! #swimming #swim #swimteamlife #swimmingteacher #bocaratonmoms #bocaratonbeach #bocaratonblogger #momsbocaraton #parents


. . . . .... This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it is. #swimming #swim #swimteacher #bocaratonmoms #bocaratonblogger #bocaratonbusiness #coralsprings #parklandmoms #pool #florida #triatlon #tri #triathlontraining #swimcoachph


- - -Ela é Teresa. Ela nunca imaginou que iria nadar. Agora ela está melhorando o chute e aprendendo a nadar nado livre .... Parabéns Teresa! Estou muito orgulhoso de você! (Maria escrevendo portugues) - -... - She is Teresa. She never imagined that she would swim. Now she is improving her kick and learning to swim freestyle .... Congratulations Teresa! I am very proud of you! @teresarochadesouza - - - Ella es Teresa. Nunca imaginó que nadaría. Ahora está mejorando su patada y aprendiendo a nadar en estilo libre .... ¡Felicidades Teresa! ¡Estoy muy orgulloso de ti! - - - #swimming #swimmingpool #swimteacherlife #swimminglessons #nadar #masterswimming #redcrossswimming #teacher #swimmingforadults #youcandoit #bocaraton #parkland #coralsprings #venezolanosenusa #pool #swim


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