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Fun facts about Mrs. Becky! In just a short time I will be learning all about your swimmers! Can't wait!


No mom shaming here!! Just educating and helping you to keep your littles safe!! There are many concerns with using Puddle Jumpers and Floaties as "safety" devices. Please research the pros and cons of using these items before you purchase and use them. https://mom.com//christi-now-believes-the-device-is-partly


Let's see those pictures! I'll start... (Help us to continue to be seen! Engaging with this post will help us to be seen on people's newsfeeds! Any like, comment, click can help! Thank you!)


Always the CEO! Safety is our top priority!


No mom shaming here! Just educating and helping you to keep your littles safe! There are many concerns with using Puddle Jumpers and Floaties as "safety" devices. Please research the pros and cons of using these items before you purchase and use them. https://mom.com//christi-now-believes-the-device-is-partly


Phone: +1 407-488-7710

Followers: 693


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