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*Important tip at bottom* If you have debris on the bottom of your pool and you vacuum it out to waste that's great. Typically, if you are getting lots of leaves on the bottom, it means your skimmers are not properly skimming the water and allowing leaves to eventually sink. *Here's an important tip most people (some "pool guys" even) miss. After you vacuum you must brush the walls and the floor! Why? Well a vacuum head has minimum bristles compared to a brush. A vac heads jo...b is to lift the debris and the bristles help loosen some debris. But algae (whether you can see it or not) has a protective coating that needs to be brushed to destroy it. After a vacuum and brush are complete then skim the surface and shock the pool. Make sure the pump stays on filter for the next 48 hours non stop then you can go back to your normal cycle. We have room for new customers for closings, repairs, or maintenance. Contact us today.


The weather is dropping pretty low at night. We still have openings for closings.


Water bags.... We hear every year that people have problems with them when they winterized the pool themselves the prior year. Typically people have problems year after year, having to buy new water bags each year. That's an avoidable cost (usually). Most people end up switching from this style closing cover to a safety cover (which we HIGHLY recommend) because of the annoyance of water bags. Well they aren't that bad. Typically when people have issues with the water bags it...s due to overfilling them and not allowing room for the water to expand into ice when it freezes. Only fill the water bags about 60% full (just like your winter pillow) and then they should last a long time. Also another tip is to lay them out and bring the hose around a fill them where you want them so you don't have to carry all that water weight around. If you need help with your pool closing give us a call or message us today.


Do you notice anything wrong in these pictures? Read to the bottom to see why this happened and what problems it causes. Issues being caused: Backwash/waste line leaking water. De (or sand) leaking into the pool. Filtration not filtering. The cause of problem: The multiport valve's spring failed. So when the customer pushed down the handle to rotate positions the spring wouldn't lift the valve off of the gasket. This caused the gasket to fail and allowed water and filter med...ia to go where it was not supposed to. Once we changed the multiport top and replaced all seals and gaskets the water stopped leaking and de powder was no longer escaping into the pool. Pool Care Plus is a full service pool repair and maintenance company local to Northeast Ohio. We can help with any pool needs you have. Call us to day to schedule a closing or service.


Who knows why an air pillow is needed for an above ground pool? Read below for answer. "Is it really necessary? Mine popped when I closed my pool last year." We hear this all the time. Yes it IS needed! Usually the pillow pops because big box pool retailers sell cheaper made pillows and their retail staff tell customers to fill them up all the way. ... That is incorrect. The pillow should only be inflated about 60% full. If you fill it up all the way it will pop the first time it freezes. That "pillow" is actually an ice compensator! When water freezes it expands outward and this expansion can cause damage to your pool wall, cover or liner. That pillow although inexpensive can save you big time. We sell and install pillows. We make sure you have the correct size pillow. We make sure it is installed properly in your pool when we close your pool. We have openings for new customers for pool closings. Call or message us today to set up a time to close your pool.


Phone: +1 216-990-0180

Website: http://wavehii.com

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