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If ever in Cornwall, or England for that matter, I am sure to connect and swim with these folks! https://www.wildswimmingcornwall.co.uk/about


Quick Bob Kimberly caught me on camera without signing residuals release!


The true value of healthy waters and oceans. https://www.patreon.com/posts/47129494 An open letter to world, national, political, business, union, religious, me...dia, educational, environmental, peace, NGO, and philanthropic leaders. Originally published on April 12, 2016. Please share and reblog this content at will! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It’s a familiar refrain that water covers three-fourths of the planet and provides food, jobs, energy and oxygen and is a major driver of the Blue Economy. Indeed, it’s a fact that water is the source, matrix, and sustenance of life. But just as music and art, water also makes life worth living. That’s where I first discovered my love for music, through the motion of water. My imagination ran wild. Musician Pharrell Williams There is something about being in water and swimming which alters the writer’s mood, gets his thoughts going, as nothing else can. Neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks Eat bread and understand comfort. Drink water, and understand delight... And what do I risk to tell you this, which is all I know? Love yourself. Then forget it. Then, love the world. Poet Mary Oliver When we overlook, omit, or undervalue water’s cognitive, emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual benefits in our conversations, lectures, policies, reports, assessments, and mission statements we are not only leaving out many of society’s major behavioral drivers, but also being dangerously incomplete. This regretful omission leads to further degradation of our waterways and oceans. We ask you, the world’s thought leaders and problem solvers, in your future writing, research and public speaking to recognize water’s value beyond jobs, food, energy, and oxygen to include creativity, awe, empathy, inspiration, peace, romance, play, solace, transcendence, and happiness. Many communities have lost access to healthy waterways through processes that have historically boosted the economy but undermined quality of life and well-being. In many of those places, water is now being brought back to life along with the vitality of the cities and towns it runs through. This trend will continue to spread around the world if we describe the true value of water in clear terms supported by an expanded scientific understand of the benefits of water. Let’s grow the Blue Movement in this golden age of brain research to include neuroscientists, psychologists, therapists, life coaches and mental health experts who are applying the ancient idea that water is medicine in new and effective ways. It’s time to recognize that our rivers, lakes, wetlands, and oceans are good for our brains and bodies. It’s time to recognize that the future of water is not only economic and ecological it’s emotional. Respectfully, Wallace J. Nichols, PhD Nichols is a research associate at the California Academy of Sciences of Sciences, Senior Fellow at MIIS - Center for the Blue Economy, and bestselling author of the national bestselling book, Blue Mind. In 2021 in collaboration with organizations and leaders around the would he is celebrating A Year of Blue Mind. Because we all need it now. Photo: Kalen Emsley


The mothership of Cloud hovers and hovers still or is it our continent underfoot inching forward in microns moving barely noticeably?


Want to did deep into "Why We Swim" ?! Free webinar with Bonnie Tsui tonight


Shout out to Vineyard Futureworks and Pathways for tomorrow!


At www.swimyourdream.com we know how ocean swimming reduces our stress, increasing calm and energy. What so many need in these times. And there are PLENTY more weeks of great ocean swimming, straight through October! Not strictly swim lessons, more personal "ocean swim guidance" in-water with clients. Swims are for 1-4 people max. We stop for stroke/breathing skill tips, when needed. And there's cool marine life that shows up too! (Your own swim goggles are required.)


Young hawk on a windy day


Bird capable of changing tune


Captured this at 4:40 PM on the fourth day of Christmas. Plenty bright out! Happy Return of Light everyone, re December 21, 2020 and this coming January 20, 2021. Breathing comes easier when you know leadership will be considering our ocean planet, greater social and economic justice, and renewable energy to ‘stabilize’ our climate.


Hey you lighthouse: what did I whisper to you this afternoon about who’s kiddin whom?


Website: https://www.swimyourdream.com

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