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Splash every time


ST. THOMAS AGAIN!!! The is so sad! On Television Jamaica (TVJ), Prime Time news, a short while ago, stated that Seprod Group of Companies, is seriously consider...ing closing the Golden Grove Sugar Factory. This news comes hot after it was announced that their factory, in Seaforth, will be closing down, soon, and transfer to their main facility, in St. Catherine. This well make almost 200 persons unemployed! Our parish is bleeding For those who work or have recently passed, Marcus Garvey Drive/3 Miles, you will see how the roadway/roadworks has progressed within the last 4 months of commencement, yet a 'little' bridge in Cotton Tree, is still not yet completed, after two (2} years & 5 months. ST. THOMAS AGAIN! Now the Port Morant community, parish on a whole, is experiencing problems at the hands of the internet providers!!!! 'THANKS' to Dekal Wireless Super Wi-Fi, the Port Morant CDC Internet Cafe & Homework Ctr, has been without service for 5 weeks! All calls have gone unanswered. Not even a courtesy call to say that they are going out of business, being brought out,; whatever the reason, NOTHING! has been heard!! So many programmes, that would have come into the café to help our youths, have been put on the back burner, if not now BURNT!!!! ST. THOMAS AGAIN !!!! #Dekal #Flow #Lime . What can YOU do to help stop the bleeding??? Residents you can play a MAJOR part in the growth & development of your/our communities & parish! VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTEER!!!! Be apart of an organized Community group. "One hand can't clap"! If everyone 'clap', ah ole heap ah noise dat!!! ST. THOMAS AGAIN!!! #welovestthomasjamaica #stthomasstaroftheeast #stthomasuntappedprotential #paulbogleparish #volunteer


Splash every time out a st thomas


Locality: Morant, Saint Thomas, Jamaica

Phone: +1 876-378-9980

Address: Trinityville 876 3789980 Morant, Jamaica

Followers: 1307


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