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We're having yet another photo contest but this time, it's all about FALL FUN. Photos will be judged on creativity, quality, and most importantly showing off t...hat Merlin cover! To enter: Share a photo of your Merlin safety cover looking extra Autumn-beautiful with the hashtag #MerlinFallFunPhotoContest Three winners will receive a $100 VISA Gift Card!


This was a rough one! 80% of the vermiculite floor was shot and needed to be replaced. A pressure test exposed a broken main drain line that needed repair. It’s getting too hot for days like this....but it’s our job to keep you cool


Every now and then in the service industry you come across a great and loyal customer who sorta makes you feel like a part of their extended family. The Bollaro Family is one of those special families. We’ve been servicing the pool every Friday since we built it many years ago. I share this post with a heavy heart knowing we’ll no longer see a special person each and every Friday. We’re asking The Jackson community to join us in helping out this great family. Any amount donated would be greatly appreciated by the family. Thank you in advance! https://www.facebook.com/donate/313776179940813/313776246607473/


We’re slamming perfect fitting liners in left and right, but don’t forget about your safety covers! Turnaround time will be slower this year due to the pandemic. We recommend getting your order in a month before you plan on closing the pool!!!


It’s closing time! No one likes the pool guy in the fall we’re one of the first signs that winter is coming. If you haven’t gotten your Merlin safety cover order in yet you’re late to the party, but we’re still taking orders so you’re in luck. Vinyl liner orders are also still being placed. If you don’t want it installed this year we are taking measurements and deposits to secure this year’s pricing for next year’s installations. Surround yourself with the best! Check out these Merlin liners covered by Merlin safety covers.


It’s HOT! so are our liner installs. Another perfect fit


Phone: +1 732-928-8200

Followers: 149


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