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Pool Facts: A necessary part of owning a pool, is constant pool maintenance. Chlorine is used to kill any algae or bacteria within the pool. This keeps the pool water clear, while at the same time protecting you from any harmful bacteria may be in the pool water.


Is everybody ready for pool season? It's that time of the year to take inventory of your chemicals, pool equipment and get on our schedule for your pool opening! See you soon and let's have a great season!


Safety first this pool season! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K3CVR97pyE


Featured Product of the day. The Polaris 3900 Sport is the most advanced pool cleaner on the market. With a sleek and sporty new body design, posiDrive all-wheel drive system with 50% more torque. It has the most vacuum power of any 3-jet Polaris cleaner, with 40 GPM of additional pool filtration through the filter bag and a 5-liter capacity filter bag with easy twist-release connector. The hardware is of durable plastics and stainless steel. Trade your old Polaris in for a Rebate of $200 when ordering the Polaris 3900


Yellow Algae Yellow Algae can come from many sources. It is carried by wind or hitches a ride on people or pets getting into the pool. It is especially transferred from the lake to the pool. Once yellow algae gets in it can be difficult to get out. It is important to maintain strict pool maintenance or you might spend the entire season fighting off the algae.... Yellow algae is tough and it needs to be brushed on a daily basis or it will come right back. It is chlorine resistant and once recognized it can survive chlorine levels as high as five parts per million. Keeping your pool at three parts per million on a daily basis will stop yellow algae from growing. Leaving your pool dormant will promote the growth of all kinds of algae. Yellow algae growth is especially common in the rainy season. Make sure that your water stays circulating through your pump and filter system or yellow algae will appear and return repeatedly. If you get yellow algae, you'll need a triple dose of shock (normal dose is 1lb. per 10,000 gallons) followed by a yellow algaecide to get rid of it. The pool will need to be brushed completely to make certain the chemical is distributed evenly. Following these steps; the chlorine levels will need to brought up to approximately ten parts per million and it will take 24 to 48 hours of circulation to kill the algae. Once the algae is dead the treatment will leave behind a brown dusty sediment which will need to be vacuumed to waste via sand filter and paper cartridges will need to be removed and cleaned. Scum Socks that are placed over the skimmer basket are an added filtering aid of fine debris such as dead algae.


Weekly Pool Care Mighty Pods Toss + Go Weekly Pool Care keeps your pool looking great without all the hassle. Just toss one pod into your skimmer basket and give the pod about 24 hours to treat cloudy water, phosphates, and scummy build-up. ... The mighty pods are one powerful clarifier and are environmentally safe!


Featured Product of the day. Side Mount Sand Filters S210S and S244S


Is your pool ready for a big bash to celebrate the beginning of summer? Be sure to give us a call for regular pool miantenance and all you'll have to do is get the burgers on the grill, invite the kids’ friends (and a few of your own) over, and break in your swimming pool in style. 770-297-7876 or visit our website www.tropicislepoolandspa.com


Phone: +1 770-297-7876

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