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Take the time to notice all that you have, even if you don’t like everything about your situation. Even if you’re dealing with an especially challenging time in your life, do the best you can with what is in front of you. Life can change in a second. Like nature, it is dynamic and ever-evolving. Instead of taking what you have for granted, don’t miss the opportunity to make the most out of your time. Instead of focusing on what you may have lost, try to find peace with what y...ou have. Focus on the good, and you will notice more of it. Everybody has problems, but everybody also has blessings in life. - Robert W. Bly


There is no shamebut rather hopein requiring healing. We are all in need of an adjustment from time-to-timewhether it relates to the body, mind or soul. But true healing involves a partnershipyou have to be a willing participant to achieve the desired results. John Maxwell


"People often think happiness comes when they get the big house, competitive job, significant other, or a lot of money. No question, those things may bring a temporary lift. But consistent contentment comes from enjoying the small pleasures of life. Everyone can find some happiness at this very moment. Take a pause to appreciate the little things around. This can be fresh flowers in the garden, the smell of coffee or tea, the sun on your face, the support of a friend, and so on. To truly enjoy these small pleasures, we have to tune in and savor the feelings of gratitude and love we feel. Notice these details. These small things strung together make huge happiness impact in our lives."project happiness I'm Thankful for you


"We can use 2 minutes of breathing to balance our emotions.Put your tongue behind your top front teeth when you inhale. Consciously let go of stress, anxiety and depression as you exhale. Inhale love and compassion for yourself. This is difficult, especially in today’s always on society. Simple diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The PNS counteracts the fight or flight mechanism, which is crucial for balancing emotions. We can u...se a breath-focus of just 1 minute to promote tranquility.Tranquility is pleasant and welcome whenever we experience it. Use the diaphragmatic breath focus to find tranquility. The importance of this calming effect cannot be overstated. Fewer and shorter negative emotions mean less stress, better health, and a much, much more positive mindset. Even 30 seconds of focused diaphragmatic breathing improves our efficiency and productivity.Your mind will clear for you to be more productive and efficient. You will be in charge of your emotions. " Ruth Sova See more


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