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STAMFORD POLICE DEPARTMENT Public Service Announcement Child and Pet Safety... With the warmer weather approaching the Stamford Police would like to take a proactive approach in regard to children and pets being left in parked vehicles while not occupied. Last year we had several investigations in which parents had small children left unsupervised in a vehicle while they went shopping or forgot they were in the vehicle. Parents and guardians need to be aware that this can be a problematic situation for the child and parent. Each year we hear more of parents leaving children unattended in vehicle during hot days which can lead to the death of a child and the arrest of the parent. This is the last thing we want to see in Stamford or anywhere else so please be cognizant of your children and at no time leave them in a car unattended. If so the parent or guardian can be charged with Ct Statute 53-21a, Leaving a Child Unattended in a Vehicle which is a Class D Felony. Another area of concern is leaving pets in vehicles. This weekend the SPD had to investigate an unfortunate incident of the death of a canine. The canine’s owners were eating at a nearby restaurant and left the dog unattended in the back seat with its leash attached to the canine. Sometime while they were dining the canine jumped through a partially opened window and the leash got hung up on the rear seat. Passerby observed the dog and called the police. Unfortunately, the dog was not able to free itself and succumbed to choking injuries. The owners of the dog were devastated. They did everything right by leaving the dog water, rolling down windows and temperature in the vehicle was only 65 degrees. The SPD deemed this an accident and did not make any arrests. However, with this incident coming to light it is important to remember to leave your car windows cracked but not open enough so the dog cannot jump out. Obviously, it was learned that it is not a good idea to leave a leash attached to the animal and if so it is best to leave the dog in a crate if possible. Leaving water and food is a good idea but it is also recommended to check on your pet frequently if you are leaving them in the vehicle for a long period of time. Remember that if the outside temperature is 85 degrees the temperature in the vehicle can reach 104 degrees in only ten minutes even when the windows have been left open an inch or two. Please be cognizant of these situations. We have attached some helpful hints with this Public Service Announcement. Capt. Diedrich Hohn Commander Patrol District Central Stamford Police Department.






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