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This sweet girl is just 13 months old. She may not always be happy with me but her survival skills in the water are more important then whether she likes me or not. #swimfloatsurvive


This is a 21 month old boy (I’ll call him Twin A) that I have been teaching. He and his twin brother love the pool at his LaLa’s house and have had little fear in getting in with their puddle jumpers on. LaLa told me that she found both twins on the first step of the pool recently after they had gone out of her sight for just a moment and of course the twins didn’t know that they were unprotected as they got into her pool. (Which is the danger of Puddle Jumpers!) She sa...id it was terrifying to see both boys in the pool alone. It could have been a tragic ending. Thankfully both boys have now been through the Survival Swim program and swim and float independently. The puddle jumpers are not allowed at LaLa’s pool anymore! These two will never remember the day they first learned to swim and float, to them they will have always known how to swim. Here you see Twin A doing a gentle release in the water fully clothed. (Done at the parent’s request.) What you don’t see is a proud Momma and LaLa standing off to the side watching. The proud instructor is standing behind him! #swimfloatsurvive #splash2swim #twins See more


This is Twin B as he finished up his Survival Swim Lessons. And while no child is Drown-proof, his family has equipped their twin sons with skills that add a layer of protection for them to be safer in and around the water. #swimfloatsurvive #splash2swim #twins #proudinstructor


Welcome to Splash 2 Swim, where I teach Survival Swim lessons to children ages 6 mos. to 5 yrs. old. Here is one of my students, who just turned 2 years old and was terrified of the water when we first started. She has come a long way from day 1. She is not only more comfortable in the pool, but more skilled as well. #swimfloatsurvive


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