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Did you know you can buy gift vouchers for Puddle Ducks lessons? Simply visit https://bit.ly/2YKkVwr


Do you have any unwritten rules of parenting?


Did you know you can check your holiday dates in your My Puddle Ducks account? Simply scroll down to the current class info for your child and click on the blue button!


Some of these kids are geniuses!


Puddle Ducks. The perfect introDUCKtion to swimming. Find your nearest class at www.puddleducks.com/class-search.


Did you catch some of our wonderful franchisees on the radio last week? Worry not, you can still listen! Cate from Puddle Ducks Derbyshire can be heard here (around 2:25 into the recording): https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08s3bsw Rebecca from Puddle Ducks Norfolk can be heard here (around 3:23 into the recording): https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p08s3lmy


Martha has been around Puddle Ducks for her whole life, so it was only fitting when she trained to be a teacher. Read her story here: https://www.puddleducks.com//from-baby-swimming-to-teachin


This always gets some funny responses


Now this is handy!


Today is World Mental Health Day, so we'd like to highlight the work that our friends at NCT do for postnatal mental illness. Through their research, they found that half of all mothers had a mental health or emotional problem postnatally or during pregnancy. They call this the Hidden Half, and you can find out more here: https://www.nct.org.uk/get-i/campaigns/hidden-half-campaign.


"What could my business look like in 5-10 years? What will be my rewards? What will be my challenges? How will I be supported?" All of these are questions you may ask when enquiring about a franchise. Find the answers, and more, on our website here: https://www.puddleducks.com/fra/your-puddle-ducks-franchise


In your My Puddle Ducks account, you can update your contact details, see when your next payment is due, and let us know if you can't attend a lesson. Find out what else you can do: https://www.puddleducks.com/your-my-puddle-ducks-account


Locality: Horley

Website: www.puddleducks.com/franchisees/24

Followers: 898


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