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Supporting each other is ultra important to us. When we say #BeFreeToBeYou, we're saying, "We're here to share that journey with you. We accept and love YOU as you are. No strings attached." Which is why we started Coffee By The Sea. We believe the Ocean hold space for us all, not simply because of her vastness but the transformative way she can envelope you with her magical embrace.... Whether you seek a friend, a social (FREE) morning caffeine break, tips and tricks on building your reslience in the ocean, there's a cup of coffee and your Hakuna Fam ready to welcome you. -- Details Location: Cardiff State Beach Parking Lot (Picnic table by the showers) Time: 7 - 8:30 am PST


That side-tie tho... Take 20% off Hakuna Wear Boardshorts with code SUMMERSALE20 at checkout


We wake up every day with the desire to celebrate each other, to empower each other, and to do this while caring for the planet we inhabit together. To the ancestors, the land protectors, the ocean stewards we honor you and thank you #IndigenousPeoplesDay


Use Code: SUMMERSALE20 at Checkout


No matter what the conditions ahead of you foretell, feel confident in your skin, your body, your mind, and in your Hakuna Wear Community. It's been a rough year. But your voice matters, your experiences matter, how you move forward matters. We can and will this create a more vibrant, colorful, loving world... together.


Weekend Vibes with Groundswell Founder & Surfsister, Natalie


Sunshine and smiles don't fade with the turn of seasons 'round here. Neither does your Rainbow Warrior glow Don't Forget to snag 20% off at checkout using code: SUMMERSALE20


Confidence is key. Worry is unnecessary. Spinning and swimming with ease like a magnificent creature is optional but absolutely doable in these boardshorts


: & hakuna weary | hä-kü-nä-wir- A month long practice of no worries.... January is synonymous for fresh starts and new disciplines or goals. This year we invite you to kick the year off with a new perspective- No Worries. #HakunaWeary is about challenging how we take our holiday selves (the giving, the restoration seeking, the gratitude speaking) and carry that into how we live our lives the rest of the year without expectations of a particular outcome. Whether that's slowing down to catch one more wave, a random act of kindness, or adopting sustainable living practices, it's a fresh new way to adopt a worry free, in-the-moment way of being while brightening the world around you. Are you in?


May Your Day Be As Bold As You


Happiest of Birthdays To Our Rainbow Warrior Leader and Hakuna Wear Founder, Jessica!! Thank you for sharing your love for enjoying and protecting our Oceans, the efforts you make to bring our community closer together, and the actionable steps you've taken to make people feel loved, seen and heard. Here's to many more!... : Sarah Lee Photo See more


PREORDER for our Moonlight Long Sleeve Surf Suit, now available http://bit.ly/PreOrderMoonlight


Midweek Mental Health Check-In: Yes! Rainbow Warriors, you've made it this far!! As the new year celebrations approach, consider giving yourself permission and grace to carry only what will restore you and serve you day-by-day and adjust as you need to.... And in turn share that grace with others. "After all, we're all just walking each other home."- Ram Dass If you decide you'd like someone to connect with you can reach out to you local support systems for guidance or reach out to any of this extraordinary organizations: OneWave Hope For The Day The Loveland Foundation Groundswell Community Project (check their link in bio for more resources) #NewYearStrongerYou


Phone: 3057902050

Website: http://hakunawear.com/

Followers: 1096


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