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Finally nabbed a team photo These two legends, Caitlin who was the youngest kiwi ever to cross the cook straight last year and Casey, who still holds the record for the fastest crossing, will be my teammates for 20km of swimming in two weeks time! We’re helping to raise money for the Auckland Rescue Helicopter- if you’d like to help us, please follow the link below to donate! https://chopperswimchallenge2018.everydayhero.com/nz/laura


I really enjoy meeting people who genuinely adore swimming. I had the chance to work with Neeve and Evan today for a private lesson aimed at improving their best strokes; butterfly and breaststroke! #BeTheBestYouCanBe


Easter themed workout for the AUT Millennium Adult Swim Squad today!


Going to miss the Adult Swim Squad crew for three weeks! Off to Chinese Taipei on Wednesday to report at the 2017 World University Games Catch you all Spring #communityfitness... http://www.fisu.net//2017-su-fisu-announces-successful-app


Catching up with my Adult Swim Squadders before last weekends King of the Bays! Banana Boat New Zealand Ocean Swim Series


Splash of fun with the The Rock team this week


The 2018 Chopper Swim Challenge is on tomorrow... proud to be swimming alongside two great swimmers for a very worthwhile cause.


How do you pursue a doctorate while also training full-time and racing abroad? Talk it out. Don’t sit inside your own head wondering if you’re doing the right thing at the right time. Whether its training or big decisions in your academic track, seek out support. Sometimes the most valuable conversations come from those who can offer a calming voice or fresh perspective High Performance Sport New Zealand Athletics New Zealand FISU - International University Sport FISU ... #Taipei2017 #SU2017 #FISUYRP https://lauraquilternz.com//the-reporter-diaries-12-athle/


Giving back to a sport we both loved for more than a decade. Proud as punch having the chance to stand beside one of NZL's greatest swimmers, pass on what we both learned about technique, goal setting and skills. Bring on the next clinic..? who's interested? @1aurenboyle


Wow... I'm in HuffPost Australia ! P.s. Remember to share if you like the post #humbled http://m.huffingtonpost.com.au//im-a-pro-swimmer-but-body/


Nutrition... it's a complex topic and fixation for many these days. Here's what I learned after more than a decade as a competitive swimmer. Banana Boat New Zealand Ocean Swim Series #oceanswim #swimming #food #nutrition ... https://oceanswim.co.nz/eating-for-success/


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