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Solar panel systems are a fixed rate of cost. Until paid off. Then free for life of panels. Warranties 25 years. Rebates offered through end of 2020. Consults are free.


Own one, free consultation.


KAB Electric is currently booking for January 2020 solar panel system installations. Solar production is a great financial investment that saves you money! Call today to get a free consultation!


What's on your mind, Kellee? asked Facebook. (Yes, a world crisis brought me here.) So here goes...It is the season of Lent when many Christians give up one o...r more luxuries to replicate the sacrifices Jesus made for humankind in his forty day desert journey. I was going to give up coffee, but confess I am a sinner and I failed. It occurred to me that we are all being asked to give up many, many luxuries for the good of our fellow humankind for an undetermined amount of time. And we will feel some suffering. Let's face it, we are blessed/spoiled. I have family, very close friends, members of my church family, pool buddies, and KAB Electric employees and clients who are in the high risk group of this virus. I'd do anything for them during normal times so if keeping myself and family healthy will reduce their risk, count me in. I have two sister in laws and a brother in law that are medical professionals. If my suffering allows them a slower influx of patients, then they can have the time and resources available to do their jobs. As the daughter of a retired pharmacist, I see value in staying healthy so others will not run low on critical medications. I have children, who it appears might be very capable silent carriers and spreaders of the virus, and so I'm strongly suggesting that they are careful around the public. I'm not a scientist nor a historian. But I did listen in those classes. Science says when faced with a novel/new virus...LESSEN EXPOSURE. History of other epidemics says LESSEN EXPOSURE. The Bible gives accounts of communities that said LESSEN EXPOSURE. Now our government and national medical experts are asking us to LESSEN EXPOSURE. Now, I will go to a store for supplies versus over buying. KAB Electric will remain business as usual, with a constant eye on safety of our staff and customers. But if we all give up some worldly luxuries now and do even a little bit to flatten the curve, we might get back to normal faster. Count me in. From the Bible James 4:8 "Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world." Please wash your hands (literally) and let's give up some worldly pleasures and help God help us. See more


Still offering a free consultation


Questions about solar panel systems? We’d love to talk with you. Call us.


Want to know something GOOD about the year 2020? Solar panel rebates and federal tax credits are still available! KAB Electric is offering solar panel system consultations. We hope every home owner and business owner who is a good candidate for solar can take advantage of the rebates and federal tax credits before they are gone.


So it is another cold and snowy day and I’m still producing my own electricity. I have my very own power plant on my roof at my home and business. You can too. Now booking March solar installations. Call for a free consultation.


John 8:12. Jesus spoke I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. Merry Christmas and God Bless you all.


If you have an interest in going solar, then we hope you can attend one of these free informational seminars. We can explain how going solar is an incredible financial investment for your future. RSVP and please share with your friends.


LED lighting upgrades can save your business money. KAB Electric can create a lighting plan that can drastically improve your work efficiency. Contact us.


Phone: +1 417-649-6057

Website: http://kabelectric.net

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