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been seeing a few new faces here so I thought I’d re-introduce the brand and it’s message PTN was born based on a concept from the Buddhist teachings, The Eighthfold Path (Dharma Wheel as some calls it). In a nutshell it’s to do right by anything and everything you do here on Earth. Needless to say that us humans have damaged our planet with global warming, excessive consumption of everything and littering them to places where we can’t see - our ocean. So I wanted to turn... this Path around - to slow down, reduce waste, use less and make this planet a Nirvana again. It is after all our only home, and look let’s be real, you ain’t gonna find a beach in Mars or the Moon and you won’t wanna wear a spacesuit everyday cause that ain’t cute. So as Anne-Marie Bonneau says, We don’t need a handful of people doing it perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly. So let’s all get on to it 1 bikini = saving the ocean #wheeltonirvana #savetheocean #conciousconsumer #sustainabledesign #reducereuse


mantra control your thoughts, control your life. you are so much more powerful than you think!


crazy for the coco the Amazonite by the talented @juliedelaplaya shot in Costa Rica #wheeltonirvana #savethereef


so in love with this! @juliedelaplaya giving us a vibeee. the Amazonite available on link in bio! 1 bikini = saving the ocean #handmadewithlove #wheeltonirvana


The Amazonite by the talented @juliedelaplaya shot in Costa Rica #wheeltonirvana #savethereef


Website: http://pathtonirvana.com

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