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Reading this out loud to myself and Stan reminds us both that this day is a gift and it has a purpose.


So thankful for the you & me these flowers stand for


Summer is here! Private swim lessons will begin July 6. Message me for details.


Please pray for this family as they lay their precious husband/daddy to rest. They mean a great deal to me, more that just being a swim camp family. This is a strong family who are not strangers to adversity and their faith in God is mighty. Never the less, please lift them up as much you are able.


I brought as much as I could from my parent’s flowerbeds so my mom could enjoy them while she lived with us. Little did I know how much it would mean to me after she passed. Miss you Mom and Dad. Your daffodils are as beautiful as they ever were.


Sitting and watching is a lost craft, ask any lifeguard or Grandfather. I promise, they will agree!


So proud for my son , Cory and his Knights! Champions Baby!


A whole day with my 2 favorite girls of all time? YES PLEASE! My heart if over the moon happy


A new thing started at Las Lawson Ranch today. Sabrina Trammel’s virtual learning pod is off to a great start! Outside learning area pics are coming soon! She has space for up to 6 students. @ Forney, Texas


Please pass this on.


Know the signs.


A new thing started at Las Lawson Ranch today. Sabrina Trammel’s virtual learning pod is off to a great start! Outside learning area pics are coming soon! She has space for up to 6 students. @ Forney, Texas


Sitting and watching is a lost craft, ask any lifeguard or Grandfather. I promise, they will agree!


There is nothing better than watching a child become a strong, safe swimmer


Does your child need to be part of our expansion? Miss Sabrina Trammel will be here guiding students who are enrolled in their district’s virtual learning to ensure that they are engaged and also getting those much needed social emotional skills. There are a few spots left! Message me ASAP if you are interested.


Phone: +1 214-868-0096

Followers: 214


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