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Layer #7- Life Jackets Not all bodies of water are created equally. Swimming in a pool is very different than swimming in an open body of water. All swimmers of all abilities should have life jackets on in open water. Drowning in open water remains one of the leading causes of accidental death in age groups over 5. Please wear life jackets in open water and recommend others do so as well. Age and ability does not matter-put a life jacket on.... Thank you Heather Babcock, PPCD and Carissa’s Caution for sharing Carissa’s story.


Say GOOD BYE to 2020 and HELLO to 2021 with savings on ISR Lessons! Did Holiday Celebrations get delayed or are family members still searching for that one last gift? Need an early birthday present? Family can contribute to ISR lessons! The gift of life, there is no better gift! Discounted Packages available for new, refresher and maintenance lessons! Lessons begin 1/18/21. AFTERNOON AND EVENING LESSONS AVAILAIBLE!!!! Limited discount availability - DO NOT miss out! Offer ends 1/15/21, discounted lessons must be completed by 3/26/21. Sign up below and lets get swimming! https://www.webaccomplice.org//lesson_ty/infantswimdfw/0//


Layer #6- High Quality Swim Lessons This is a an important layer for multiple reasons. First-this is THE ONLY layer of protection that will go wherever the child goes. Lapses in supervision can and do happen, not all bodies of water can have alarms or fences and not all doors and windows will have alarms. When these other layers fail, the skills of the child is the last layer that can protect them if they find the water alone. Second reason this is important....just like... with anything else, you get what you pay for and there are QUALITY differences. As parents, we research bottles, car seats, cribs, strollers, doctors, schools, activities and the list goes on. Why would you not research swim lessons??? This is literally the one activity that CAN potentially save your child's life. However if they are in a class learning to splash, play, blow bubbles and rely on floaties-you are in the wrong class. If your child has been in swim lessons and still dependent on floatation devices in the water or is in lessons now and not gaining independence every single day in the water, please reconsider your swim lessons. It should not takes months or years for independence in the water. Your child cannot wait that long to be skilled-drowning does not wait nor discriminate. Thank you Keri Evans Morrison, Live Like Jake and Parents Preventing Childhood Drowning for sharing Jake's story and all that you do.


Layer #4- Pool Fences Pool fences (covers or nets are acceptable if you are diligent about them) are a must have if you or your family members have a pool and you have children. These fences need to have self closing and self latching gates as well as made of material that a young curious child cannot climb on. I have heard many times that they are not aesthetically pleasing and disrupt the view of the pool. Please think about this -the pool will never be aesthetically plea...sing again if your child or someone else's child looses their life in that pool. Jaxon and Leyton climbed out of their crib for the one and only time and made their way to a pool without a fence. If there had been a fence-we could very well have a different ending to this story. Please learn from this family's story and this amazing mom trying to ensure this does not happen to other families. Thank you Parents Preventing Childhood Drowning and Christina Canavan .


Come see us today from 10am-1pm at the The BIG Preschool Expo 2020 at the Hurst Convention Center! Debbie Shelstead Desiree Benoit Whisman Lori Boutin Cerami


Ms.D!!!!! I this lil lady! @mrs_gordo is a super committed momma and drives a good distance every week to keep this little gal in maintenance lessons.We say skills before thrills....well we are having thrills now! This is what skills and confidence can do for littles in the pool. If your little is not independent in the water like Ms. D, it’s not too late! The Sooner, The Safer! #skillsbeforethrills #thisisisr #notonemore #drowningprevention #infantswimdfw #float4life


Infant Swim DFW Followers!!!! If you have not done so already, please take a moment and vote for us for most loved swim lessons! We are currently in the top 5! Voting ends Friday! Vote and share away!


Ms. E is dominating her lessons right now. Her story is she learned to float with me as an infant. For various reasons we did not see each other again until now. In that time she went through traditional lessons and walked out on them refusing to go back. She was not successful. This year I am so excited to have her back at 5 yrs old! 11 Lessons 110 Minutes Less than 2 hours swim time... She is jumping in AND swimming the length of a 40 foot pool with a 12 foot deep end! Even better-she doesn't know it and her momma may not know it either...but I am gearing her up for stroke lessons. Using the front crawl that will transition into freestyle. The rollback to float will transition into side breathing for the freestyle. The float will transition into backstroke! ISR kids do learn how to swim! Any age can and needs to learn this. Independence over flotation devices! Skills before Thrills! Summer is coming and spaces are filling up! Get registered Now!


Less than 4 hours left to vote!!!! Need inspiration....check out Ms. IJ and Ms. E's videos that were just posted tonight! Then, vote and share!


Come see Lara and I at the expo from 10-12! Swim season is just around d the corner....is your kiddo ready? ISR is the way to go! #skillsbeforethrills


Layer #6- High Quality Swim Lessons This is a an important layer for multiple reasons. First-this is THE ONLY layer of protection that will go wherever the child goes. Lapses in supervision can and do happen, not all bodies of water can have alarms or fences and not all doors and windows will have alarms. When these other layers fail, the skills of the child is the last layer that can protect them if they find the water alone. Second reason this is important....just like... with anything else, you get what you pay for and there are QUALITY differences. As parents, we research bottles, car seats, cribs, strollers, doctors, schools, activities and the list goes on. Why would you not research swim lessons??? This is literally the one activity that CAN potentially save your child's life. However if they are in a class learning to splash, play, blow bubbles and rely on floaties-you are in the wrong class. If your child has been in swim lessons and still dependent on floatation devices in the water or is in lessons now and not gaining independence every single day in the water, please reconsider your swim lessons. It should not takes months or years for independence in the water. Your child cannot wait that long to be skilled-drowning does not wait nor discriminate. Thank you Keri Evans Morrison, Live Like Jake and Parents Preventing Childhood Drowning for sharing Jake's story and all that you do.


Layer #2: Water Watchers: Diffusion of Social Responsibility: A psychology term simply defined as a situation in which people feel less responsibility for taking action because there are other people who could also be responsible for taking action. Having more people around can actually change the amount of time and/or energy that we put in to being responsible. Many times we do not even recognize that we are doing this. This is very important to know and recognize as t...his could be a contributing factor to many drowning accidents, especially around pools/hot tubs. This is why it is so important to designate a water watcher, even when taking a break from the water. When friends and family are gathered around the pool, designate a water watcher. Many organizations have water watcher tags now but you don't have to have a tag to be a water watcher. Water watchers rotate in shifts of 10-15 minutes and during this time, they are to be scanning the water making sure kids are safe. This water watcher is to be off limits to other guests, undistracted, no phones or books, and scanning the water the entire time they are on the clock. It's important to change watchers frequently as it can be mentally draining even in short periods of time and we can become complacent. Thank you PPCD and Chezik Tsunoda for sharing Yori's story.


Constant Supervision- it is THE most important layer of keeping children safe around the water yet it is THE layer that fails the most often. Drowning is silent, it is fast, and it can happen in any body of water. Please do not rely on others to watch your children around water or leave them unattended in the bathtub. NO ONE will watch them they way that you do. Thank You to Parents Preventing Childhood Drowning and Deonesia Grays for sharing Bria's story.


12 Lessons 120 Minutes 2 hours total in water time This little lady right here is a ROCKSTAR! Ms. IJ has only had 2 hours of in water time with me and she is INDEPENDENT! She can Self-Rescue! Stay tuned to see her rock her clothes checkouts soon!... Skills before Thrills! If your child, no matter their age (6+months), is not independent in the water, relies on floaties or puddle jumpers, and cannot self-rescue, we can change that! Spaces still available, let's do it! This is ISR!


Two days left friends!!!!! Please take a quick minute to vote for me. Drowning is THE leading cause of accidental death in kids under the age of 4 and Texas lead the nation in drownings last year with 87 lost lives; 2 lives in 2020 so far. Families need to know about ISR and kids need to know how to be independent in the water and self-rescue. Feel free to share away!


Layer #7- Life Jackets Not all bodies of water are created equally. Swimming in a pool is very different than swimming in an open body of water. All swimmers of all abilities should have life jackets on in open water. Drowning in open water remains one of the leading causes of accidental death in age groups over 5. Please wear life jackets in open water and recommend others do so as well. Age and ability does not matter-put a life jacket on.... Thank you Heather Babcock, PPCD and Carissa’s Caution for sharing Carissa’s story.


DO NOT MISS OUT!!!! Only four spots remain for lessons starting next week! Warm weather will be here before we know it. Get those kids swim ready for spring break and SUMMER!!!!!! Sign up below! https://www.webaccomplice.org//lesson_t/infantswimdfw/0//0


Layer #5-Removal of Dog Doors This is not a typical layer that we talk much about....so let's start talking about. Sadly Jackson is not the only little one to loose his life to drowning because he was able to get through a doggie door. Any type of opening that leads to a backyard pool needs to be secure at all times. Even if you think it may be too small for your child to get through, do not underestimate them. Close them up for good to keep your little ones safe and make sure you have multiple layers in place. Thank you Jenny Bennett and Parents Preventing Childhood Drowning for sharing your story and everything you do for PPCD to spread awareness.


Learn To Say No To Puddle Jumpers and Floaties! It's Not Too Late For ISR! Lessons begin indoors on September 8th. Morning and afternoon/evening times available. Just a few openings remain for each, snag one while you can! https://mailchi.mp//learn_to_say_no_to_floaties_puddlejump


Layer #3-Alarms Door and Pool alarms are an important layer of water safety. Door alarms can be hooked into already existing alarm systems and chime when doors are being opened. There are also separate door alarms that can be placed on doors leading out to the pool to alert you when opened or left open. In Zane's case, door alarms would not have been enough. Pool alarms and/or submersion alarms are necessary too. They can alert when submersion happens.... It takes all the layers to keep our children safe because layers can and do fail. Please make sure you have all your layers in place when in or around water. Drowning is fast and silent. Drowning is Preventable.


Phone: +1 972-795-3131

Website: http://desireewhisman.infantswim.com

Followers: 1833


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