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Sorry for any delays to inquiries about leak detection service, but I am out of town enjoying some time with my family.


Video showing a leak in a pool at a time grout seam.


Mr. Jon Cook Leak Specialist one professional guy


Believe it or not pool season for us Floridians is right around the corner. I know all of my northern followers and friends aren't even thinking about swimming yet, but it will be here before you know it. So as you prepare for the season keep you water level in mind and call me if you suspect you have a leak.


Even though pool season has come to a close for the year, running the pools systems to keep them clean can still cause leaks. If your are adding water more than once a week this time of year you more than likely have a leak somewhere. This could cost you extra $$$ in chemicals and electricity. Call me if you suspect you have a leak.


Phone: +1 352-566-2258

Website: http://bcleakdetection.com/

Followers: 68


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