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Sweet mermaid T is only 2. She knows how to fall in go to the wall and float on her back. Check out how strong her fins are


Hey there! I've invited you to like this page because I am trying to create more of a internet presence for swim lessons. If I have worked with you or your fishy and you would like to leave a review that would be amazing. If you just like cute videos of kids swimming.. me too!


It is so common to want to teach our children to swim by passing them back and forth between adults. At The Mermaid Cove we teach children to always go to the wall because it doesn’t move! Mom and Dad move after toys, siblings, electronics, conversations or beverages. Mermaid S knows where to go


There’s sharks in these waters . Shark B was super fast and knew where to go all the time.


Did you catch that smile? At the beginning mermaid S wasn’t even sure she wanted to stand on the steps of the pool. She came such a long way


It's super important to teach your fish safety in and around the water. With young children it is important to make sure your doors are alarmed. You'd rather be annoyed by the chime every time it opens versus the alternative. Add gates around your pool if financially feasible. Talk to your children about not entering a pool without an adult's permission. Let me work with them about knowing where to go. ... Every layer of protection helps. https://www.cnn.com//pool-child-drowning-death-/index.html


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