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Customer ordered 4 DiceBags for his Groomsmen! What a cool idea! He liked them so much, he ordered more for him and his wife... I need to order more supplies! haha!


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Dear Friends and Family, Since this is my first Mother's Day (YAY!), I am running a little sale on all earrings, bracelets and necklaces! Use coupon code: MOTHERSDAY2018 at checkout to receive 20% off! https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpunkyArmadilloMail ... Also, 100% of all sales will be donated to Pre-Born (more about them below). Please give the gift of life by buying a bracelet, earrings or a necklace from me to give to the moms in your life OR help out a new mommy that chose life by donating straight to their website. <3 Love, Amanda *********************************** From Pre-Born's website (http://mpreborn.org/): When a young woman, faced with an unplanned pregnancy, sees her baby on an ultrasound, she will choose life (instead of abortion) 80 percent of the time. Without the ultrasound, 1 out of every 3 unborn babies perish. Your sponsorship of a life-saving, free ultrasound for this mom and baby is often her only hope. When the mom hears the baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound, she connects in a powerful way that encourages her to make the often difficult choice to keep the baby. As a sponsor of an unborn child, you are also helping the young mother with maternity clothes, baby clothes, diapers, and formula. More importantly, your sponsorship gives the young mother an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your love not only saves the life of an unborn child, but often the mother becomes a Christian, as well! Because of Pre-Born: 7,912 Babies were saved. 8,409 Received Christ. 29,131 Women were counseled. 20,271 Heard the gospel in 2017! Praise God!!!


More rings are getting ordered today! Lots of cool items coming soon! Cant wait to show you all! <3


Custom order :)


This item is back on etsy!!! <333


Locality: Spunky Armadillo Chainmail

Followers: 31


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