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Look to where to want to go! Lots of athletes falling down the Strava rabbit hole, moving from one to the next, comparing training plans, race results etc etc. There is great satisfaction of people not knowing what your up to as well, I guarantee you will turn more heads on performance! ... This was captured from another amazing day with @dwfitnessfirst an absolute pleasure to be apart of the business and the squad. Squad: @nathanchandler @doublebfilms @veneziamihalcheva @lag360 @fletchergabriel @arfitnesslondon @anthonywr1ght @lucycarahope_ @danieljunior88 @lucy.hudacek


Suns out legs out! Wishful thinking as the weather has turned in for the worse! So many great race results this weekend but just as many athletes not on their start line for sooooo many different reasons! ... ‘Stay in your own lane and keep falling forward onto your own path’


*** Strength Training *** It’s great to have Faye back in the gym lifting and building strong foundations for her marathons later in the year. No triathlons this year with the correct decision to defer to 2022, although I would have loved to race alongside you again. Over the past few weeks Faye has already started to notice the positive impact of strength training in her running. ... Lockdown for many meant we moved across to more activation strength exercise than REAL strength. As a result of this physios ‘are seeing more people they shouldn’t be, because the gyms were closed and the self prescribed exercise was no longer available’ I may be biased with being a General Manager of @ffbasingstoke but gyms have a real place in activity, health & wellbeing. Surrounded by like minded individuals, experienced qualified staff, variety of equipment & facilities to take you through a rollercoaster journey that is health & fitness!


Late Sunday Ride in sun! This morning was some well needed rest and time out, before football & triathlon. So the decision was made to ride this afternoon! It was the best decision I’m certain if we had tried to cram it in early doors it wouldn’t have been half as enjoyable or effective. 70km 19.7mph average 1300ft and some very bumpy roads!... Moral of this post: (1) listen to your body & your mind! (2) Accept change! Solid effort this weekend across the Trilife team! Week done to Gabs @humerothery for her awesome effort in this morning Tri.


2021 is starting to rebuild as we launch Triathlon Swim Coaching Triathletes and adult swimmers this session is perfect for you! Local like minded triathletes together for 1 hour coached session to build endurance, technique and confidence! ... No lane rage Sessions built around your race calendar Open water skills support Free accessible parking, perfect location for a social run/ run after. Suitable for beginners learning frontcrawl Pop us a message to find out more or book your space via the website www.trilifeuk.com


Website: http://www.trilifeuk.com

Followers: 337


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