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There are a lot of generic looking snorkels on the market and they all look similar to the FINIS snorkel I bought and reviewed previously, so I expected the Mad Wave Pro Snorkel Breathe Trainer to be much the same. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there are some distinct differences between the two. Out of the box There is nothing odd about getting a snorkel in two pieces if you’re not buying something like the... http://pullkickswim.com//mad-wave-pro-snorkel-breathe-tra/


To all my swimming friends, please check out this company that makes swimsuits by recycling discarded fishing nets; https://shark-rebellion-the-swimwear.kckb.st/pullkickswim I've already signed up and bought some.


The Gothenburg Pyramid, a challenging IM aerobic session written by my fellow Gothenburg Sim coach #swimcoach #swimset #swimsession #swimtraining #swimmer #swimming #mastersswimmer #mastersswimming http://pullkickswim.com//the-gothenburg-pyramid-im-aerobic/


Website: http://www.pullkickswim.com

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