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The year of the mask . Yeah, it sucks, but we have learned to adapt for the good of those who are at higher risk. Wearing a mask while trying to teach infants and children life-saving skills, knowing how much your facial expressions mean, has been challenging (to say the least!!). BUT...and this is so true about everything that involves children.... They are so adaptable. They are so forgiving. They are our best teachers. Just when you think to yourself man I WISH this b...aby could see my huge smile under this mask... THIS HAPPENS. They start cracking up. They look into your eyes and they just know! They CAN see you smiling and they let you know it with a belly laugh like this one. There is nothing like being able to teach infants and children how to save their own lives should they ever need to. There is no better feeling than seeing your students progress. And it’s delicious icing on the cake when a moment like this happens. ISR instructors are needed all over the country. If you’re looking for something that will get you to laugh and love your job like this, check out the ISR careers page! www.isrcareers.com See more


FLOATING It’s the difference between breathing and not breathing. Some parents think floating in an instinct a d that all kids can do it. FALSE If that were true drowning would not be the #1 cause of death to children under 4! Floating is a learned and practiced skill and a fundamental skill of ISR lessons. Floating is also the difference between life and death. ... Once learned, floating can be loads of fun , but it’s essential that your child has or is learning to float, independently in their swim lessons.


Incredibly powerful and important message for all families with kids. Thank you, Millers for sharing your story and advocating for swim survival lessons!


From our family to yours, Merry Christmas #isr #isrkaley #swimsurvival #float #maryland #dc


So happy for this family. But the sad truth is majority of families do not have this outcome. Please consider ISR as an extra layer of protection. An ISR student would have rolled to their float in under 3 seconds


Tongue’s out Tuesday! Seeing that tongue underwater is a good thing . A tongue out means no water is getting in .


This sweet 6yo was still in arm floats when Mom called, realizing that her daughter was truly not safe in the water. This is Miss K, rocking her winter clothes lesson after only 3 weeks! This girl is ready to begin stroke lessons and a future on the swim team :) #infantswimmingresource #WeaTeachOlderKidsToo #ISR #ReadyForSwimTeam


High fives for the weekend!!


Our winter session is open for scheduling . We have morning, afternoon and evening time slots available. HURRY, sports will fill up fast. WHY take swim lessons in the winter? Drowning knows no season Those kids swimming in summer where skilled in the fall, winter or spring You won't be in lessons all summer. You will be with your kids, safely enjoying the pool. ... Ensure your kids are skilled and confident BEFORE your next visit to the pool Lastly, WHY NOT? This is an awesome activity where your littles can learn a life saving skill The pool is heated The space is heated We have strict COVID protocol in place Email us now to reserve a spot - [email protected] #swim #maryland #bethesda #potomac #rockville #bethesdamoms #swimlessons #toddlers #parents #babies #infants #drowningprevention


This. Is. ISR.


Long hair, don’t care Look at me float, just as good as a boat


This is why I do what I do. It can happen to anyone - to the very best parents. And it only takes in SECONDS. Thank you Golda Jeffries for sharing your powerful story. You, Josh and Giselle are going to save so many other kids by doing this. I am thankful that I was introduced to you and am honored to be part of her journey! THANK YOU!


Can your 3yo do this?!! Jumping in. Swimming across the pool all by herself!! This little lady makes me proud every single time I watch a video of her . In ISR lessons, skills always come before thrills. We worked hard on her swim float swim, until she confidently could do it, all on her own. ONLY THEN did we learn to jump in the pool. Back in the day...when I used to go on vacation (), I would sit by the pool and watch parents let their little ones jump in. Either into M...om or Dads arms or with their floaties on. It made me burn inside. I was upset because I knew this child could not swim. I also knew that this adorable, fun, adventurous 2yo, who they were encouraging jumping into the pool had ZERO clue of the dangerous activity they were teaching them. How would this child know that without Mom or Dad there, or without a floatie on, they wouldn’t just pop right up to the surface? I mean, every time they jumped in, someone or something brought them to safety - so if they decided to do it on their own, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?!?! Water is THE MOST deadly surface on the planet. And yet we live in a society where we literally lead children to it. We make it fun, we introduce this danger at a very early age, without thinking of the consequences or teaching a respect for it. Please do your research. Please talk to your Mommy and Daddy friends. One conversation could save a child’s life.


I can’t wait to tell the story of these two (stay tuned....it is amazing). But for now, I’ll leave this here. Two friends, floating. A simple skill every single child should learn. If you’re child is in swim lessons and they are not being taught how to float, independently, then they are in the wrong swim class! #doyourresearch #infantswimmingresource #isr #float


Pardon my crying...I’m learning to save my life #isr #infantswimmingresource #swimsurvival #notonemorechilddrowns


HOORAY for being skilled in ISR self-rescue. HOORAY for the weekend! @infantswimmingresource #swimfloatswim #selfrescueswimming #isrkaley


ISR is the safest provider of survival swimming lessons. We teach children aquatic problem solving skills through highly effective, specialized lessons. We welcome the opportunity to share our knowledge with your little ones. Starting at 6mo, children will learn to roll over and relax on their float until help arrives (no matter what they are wearing )


All C knew before ISR lessons were her floaties (arm floats). Mom learned the dangers of these devices and immediately enrolled her in Infant Swimming Resource (ISR) lessons. This is after only 5 lessons and she is swimming like a fish with her Daddy! #infantswimmingresource #isrkaley #isr #maryland #potomac #rockville


It’s a Sunday, video review day! Often, ISR instructors will videotape their lessons so that they can review their students from a different perspective. This helps shape lessons for the upcoming week. #sunday #sundayfunday #ISR #infantswimmingresources #isrkaley


Phone: +1 917-828-3341

Website: http://www.isrkaley.com

Followers: 348


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