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The front crawl, sometime called freestyle, is the fastest stroke. Most people think of the front crawl when they imagine swimming, and most expect to learn it first.Like all strokes, it has three characteristics: The goal is efficiency of motion. The troke depends on principles of hydrodynamics. Stroke components, such as body position, arm and legaction and breathing , are critical for success.


The purpose of Parent and Child Aquatics is to teach safe behaviors around the water and develop swimming readiness by leading parents and their children in water exploration activities with the objective of having fun and becoming comfortable in, on and around water...


6 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD LEARN TO SWIM Learning to swim is an important step in every child’s life. Unfortunately, some parents do not understand the many benefits of swimming lessons and skip this step. Why should every child learn how to swim and become a skilled swimmer as an adult? Why should you prioritize swimming lessons over music lessons or any other activities for your kids? There are at least 6 great reasons why. First, swimming is a great form of exercise. Teachin...Continue reading


Injury Prevention


Parent and Child Aquatics is designed for children between the ages of 6 months and approximately 3 years, and their parents. The purpose of the course is to familiarize children with the water and teach swimming readiness skills. In addition, Red Cross Parent and Child Aquatics provides safety information for parents and teaches parents techniques they can use to help orient their children to the water.


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