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Just a reminder that Today’s lessons have been cancelled due to weather See you tomorrowJust a reminder that Today’s lessons have been cancelled due to weather See you tomorrow


lol #repost Our pool just went into a major remodeling process, it’s completed but we are working on some mechanical things that also needed maintenance. The... City of Harlingen where I used to teach during winter is not available for lessons yet But I can’t wait for warmer weather, so I can resume lessons soon, stay tuned for my 2021 Registration & Schedule In the meanwhile please make sure you add your name to my waiting list. This is for returning and new students. This list will be notified first by email before I post on social media when my schedule is ready. https://www.webaccomplice.org//infantsw/202101170048441529


Smile it’s Monday! I remember how this little one used to cry and daddy couldn’t handle it at times. Look at her now #trusttheporcess #floatingsaveslives


Riley #3yrsold I’m so glad I was able to do refreshers for this little one before Mommy returns back to work. Riley hadn’t done ISR lessons with me over a year but she picked up quickly the skills she has previously learned since last time I saw her. She LOVES the water and she is fearless, so I feel so much better now knowing that her skills are stronger now and she has an extra layer of protection. Way to go Riley! #swimfloatswim #isrsaveslives #wayersafety *I don’t own the rights of this song


Is your little one being taught to blow bubbles in their current swim lessons? We know this is a well-intentioned attempt to get them to put their face in, but... unfortunately it is an outdated & ineffective approach to learning to swim. In ISR lessons, your instructor's first priority will be establishing proper breath control. This means your little one will learn to effectively hold their breath while submerged. They will also be carefully shown where and how to get their air- be it at the wall, steps, or of course..resting calmly on their back in a beautiful float Prepare to be in awe of your kiddo from Day 1! Visit www.infantswim.com and type in your zipcode to find an instructor in your area @etoungate @melissarighttimephoto


And this is why we not only teach little ones how to swim and float. This pull-up diaper weighs almost 3 lbs itself Teaching self-rescue is part of every chil...d’s training in our program, is not just swimming but surviving. Why? Because about 88 % of childhood water accidents happen when children are fully clothed. This was Judah’s first time practicing with a diaper and he rocked every minute of it. Way to go Judah #survivalswimming #selfrescuelesson #notonemorechilddrowns Infant Swim Harlingen


Christmas Bows In love with these creations by My little creation corner, my ISR parents rock If you have a little girl (s) you want these! Firs...t because you just can’t find these at the store! And two you get to support small businesses Muchas gracias Sra. Betsy está hermosos contact Sra. Betsy if you are interested #ShopSmall #christmasbows #SupportSmallBusinness See more


ISR parents from my swim season that starts Monday March 22nd, please check your email for important information to go over.ISR parents from my swim season that starts Monday March 22nd, please check your email for important information to go over.


One on one lessons will never replace group lessons, each child learns so differently and different approaches need to be done to make them succeed.


I think this goes for any sport activity we invest in our children, the difference between other sports and self- rescue swim lessons is that with self rescue, kids get this and they also gain an extra layer of protection to save themselves for the rest of their lives. DO YOU AGREE????? One of my friends asked "Why do you pay so much money for your kids to ride dirt bikes? Well I have a confession to make; I don't pay for my kids to go dirt bike riding.... So, if I am not paying for dirt bike riding, what am I paying for? - I pay for those moments when my kids become so tired they want to quit but don't. - I pay for those days when my kids come home from school and are "too tired" to go to the shed and wash their bikes but go anyway. - I pay for my kids to learn to be disciplined, focused and dedicated. - I pay for my kids to learn to take care of their body and equipment. - I pay for my kids to learn to work with others and to be good team mates, gracious in defeat and humble in success. - I pay for my kids to learn to deal with disappointment, when they don't get that placing or title they'd hoped for, but still they go back week after week giving it their best shot. - I pay for my kids to learn to make and accomplish goals. - I pay for my kids to respect, not only themselves, but other riders, officials and coaches. - I pay for my kids to learn that it takes hours and hours, years and years of hard work and practice to create a champion and that success does not happen overnight. - I pay for my kids to be proud of small achievements, and to work towards long term goals. - I pay for the opportunity my kids have and will have to make life-long friendships, create lifelong memories, to be as proud of their achievements as I am. - I pay so that my kids can be out on the track instead of in front of a screen... ...I could go on but, to be short, I don't pay for dirt bike riding; I pay for the opportunities that dirt bike riding provides my kids with to develop attributes that will serve them well throughout their lives and give them the opportunity to bless the lives of others. From what I have seen so far I think it is a great investment!


Do you know what some health care workers do after a long day at work saving lives? They come to see their little one smile while she self-rescues in the most unforgiving environment #camila #selfrescueswimlessons #isr Infant Swim Harlingen


Lifting this family in prayers today! Honoring this little angel


Dancing in the rain I mean swimming #Day3 of refreshers for this little one who I haven’t seen in a whole year thanks to rona. We practiced swim these past two days and today she floated, flip over and rollback like she has been swimming all summer but she hasn’t Good job P.S: water temp was 89 degrees


#patriotday If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate. Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl.


Wow! Just sitting here feeling so greatful for an amazing ISR Harlingen 2020 Two days ago I completed my last students who were waiting for lessons since March of this year. To all of my ISR families & my community THANK YOU! Thank you for your unconditional support during this time, I learned so much this year. Well I might not have accomplished all my goals like I had for this year with my mission about water safety, but I did accomplish the most important ones. Firs...t, my students and myself stayed healthy during my lessons, none of my students or their parents contracted the virus from the lessons I provided and not only that now these kids have an extra layer of protection from drowning which is the #1 leading cause for accidental death in children 1-4 yrs old. To say that Kids were AMAZING is an understatement, they adapted so quickly to me wearing a mask with a shield and at times a scuba diving mask. It wasn’t easy teaching in a 100 degree weather in the water but it was the only way I could keep everyone safe. I will never forget when one of my students who is just 3 yrs old said to me, I just want to see your face it literally brought me to tears yet I knew I had to protect them and I did. I continue to receive messages from many families asking me if I will offer another session this year, but unfortunately due to COVID19 restrictions Harlingen Pendleton indoor pool (the pool where I teach during cold weather) remains closed and it will for the remaining of the year. Because of this, I won’t be able to offer another full session this year but I will offer two maintenance lessons in early November for those students who did lessons this year to keep skills fresh. For those families waiting for lessons please sign up to my waiting list, by adding yourself to this list you’ll more likely be able to save a spot for your child when registration begins in December for 2021 year. Visit my website and complete form. Thank you again Everyone for your understanding during these crazy times and remember that drowning has NO season. Please add layers of protection to your house or when near the water take extra precautions because sadly absolutely NO ONE is exempt to these type of accidents but Drowning is preventable. www.infantswimrgv.com #notonemorechilddrowns #watersafety #isrharlingen #isrsaveslives #infantswim #floatingsaveslives


In the midst of a pandemic I was able to teach many kids this year. I completed my winter session for the first time at a indoor pool and we had to skip spring but resumed lessons in the late spring and ended in the fall. This was by far the most challenging year to teach needless to say but we made it the best of it and I couldn’t be any happier. Thank you for your trust and for allowing me to teach surviving skills to your little ones in such uncertain/ weird times. 2020... is ending with so much hope for our humanity and my first goal of 2021 is to get COVID vaccine to protect my family, my friends, my loved ones who I have not seen in a long time and of course my swim families who I care so much about. Stay tuned for my early spring schedule 2021 for new students and refreshers Sign up will begin mid January. I look forward to work with you little ones and continue to teach/ reinforce a skill that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. May the year of 2021 it’s filled with nothing but health prosperity and joy Happy New Year #infantswimmingrescue #infantswiminstructor #swimfloatswim #selfrescueswimming


Camila #20months so adorable This little one and I have a history. I met his Mom Rebecca Becerra about 4 yrs ago in my RGV Fertility Support Group when sh...e was struggling to conceive. I remember praying for this miracle so many times and now it feels so surreal to have her as one of my students The interesting thing also is that when I was doing my ISR training in Fort Worth, my husband Jason Sparks helped welcome this baby into this world at the hospital. I don’t believe in causalities, I strongly believe God put people in our path for a purpose So proud of this cutie Thank you Becky and Jimmy for trusting me in this process, this is just the beginning of an amazing swimming self- rescue journey, Way to go Camila Infant Swim Harlingen #watersafety #isrjourney #floatingbabies


Let her story be a lesson that your family never has to endure. Praying for this Momma


Here’s wishing you a belated Christmas. I know this is a late wish but it’s a wish nevertheless. Hope the Christmas day turned out to be a happy event for you and you enjoy quality time with your loved ones


Judah’s first medal Whop Whop! He is officially an aquatic problem solver! Watch out Michael Phelps Way to go Judah Krista Paige Bañuelos #2yrsold #swimfloatswim #swimlessons #infantswimharlingen www.infantswimrgv.com


It’s floating FriYAY #perfectfloat www.infantswimrgv.com #survivalswimminglessons #notonemorechilddrowns #infantswimmingresource


Is ISR real swim lessons? I’ll let you judge for yourself. For those who ask, Will my child learn how to swim in ISR or I’ll rather take my child to do trad...itional swim lessons because ISR is only for babies. This this is ISR Regan learned swim float swim when she was 4 yrs old. She learned this technique in 4 weeks which is about 4 hours of lessons. Then, she came back for one week refreshers last year and this year. Today is Reagan’s 6th birthday ! I want to wish her a happy bday and congratulate her on her grown aquatic skills. Happy birthday Reagan Enjoy your beautiful day #swimfloatswim #isrswim #isrharlingen www.infantswimrgv.com


Oh how I miss the water can’t wait for 2021 #swimseason I keep y’all posted Infant Swim Harlingen #isr #infantswiminstructor #neverstoplearningandgrowing


Now accepting orders for Thanksgiving Art Kits. Five designs to choose from. To place your order message or call 956 778-8292. To be pick up at our studio two days after placing your order


Is FriYAY !! And I finally figured out how to add videos and pictures at the same time on my business page Only took me a year lol Facebook Business app is so tricky, so here is Olivia!! Olivia was just 3 yrs old when she started ISR with me, we couldn’t do lessons for a whole year but when she came back at the end of this summer it only took her 3 lessons to adjust and she did what she had learned last year! Amazing how she retained her skills. Way to go Olivia! ... So proud of this little one Cassandra Fraga www.infantswimrgv.com #swimfloatswim #watersafety #swimlessons #harligenswim #notonemorechilddrowns #isr


Phone: (214) 673-8826

Website: http://www.infantswimrgv.com/

Followers: 1526


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