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We have a few spots left with ISR instructor Julie Bryan here at our Richardson location! Come join us for an awesome ISR session!!! For more info and/or to register: Email [email protected]


Focused & Determined. She can find my hand target ANYwhere. #ISR #drowningprevention #awesomeswimmer Love this girly!!!! Go Nora!!


When our ISR skills are rockstar we learn to snorkel! with Nancy Dodson


Little Reagan is not quite 2 and she can do this ALLLLLL day!!!!! Little fishy! #thisisISR #infantswimmingresource


That smile y’all.....priceless!!! Eva is rocking her swim-float-swim this week! #thisisISR #infantswimmingresource


Anderson is just one years old....but he can rollback to a float and hold that position for 2+ minutes in full winter clothes! Majority of drownings occur fully clothed, so once a child is skilled, we practice in both Spring & Winter gear. You rocked it, Anderson!!!! Proud Mama Kelsey Cameron cheered you on!! #drowningprevention #thisisISR #infantswimmingresource


Grayson rockin’ his swim-float-swim during his ISR Refresher course! ISR students come back every 6months or so to refresh their skills and progress their aquatic abilities. With Kate Bonn


That smile y’all.....priceless!!! Eva is rocking her swim-float-swim this week! #thisisISR #infantswimmingresource


ISR swimmers Wednesday Sept 2: 8:00 & 9:00 hour are cancelled due to weather conditions. 10:00 & 11:00 hour students lessons are on!


The sweetest ISR buddies got to float together for the first time and as soon as they got close....they grabbed each other’s hands. #thisisISR #infantswimmingresource


The sweetest ISR buddies got to float together for the first time and as soon as they got close....they grabbed each other’s hands. #thisisISR #infantswimmingresource


Wanted to thank every single one of my swim families for conquering 2020 with me! I am so grateful for all of you! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your child's aquatic journey, and for all of your encouragement and support during this crazy year. Cheers to 2021 & I am SO looking forward to being back in the water with your littles! 2021 here we COME!!!!!


Fun with rings during his ISR Refresher! Be like Baxter in the water....super chill. #infantswimmingresource #savinglives #ISR #thesoonerthesafer With Jessica East


Little Reagan is not quite 2 and she can do this ALLLLLL day!!!!! Little fishy! #thisisISR #infantswimmingresource


She just turned 3 and can swim-float-swim across a super long pool AND find the dive rings!!! You ROCK little Nora!! #thisisISR #infantswimmingresource


2 Weeks y’all. She mastered her ISR self rescue skills in 2 WEEKS. (I’ve taught several her age or younger who have mastered their skills in 3 weeks but sweet Hannah takes the prize for testing out in both Spring & Winter clothes within 2 weeks!). She’s my first one her age to do so (and she isn’t even 2 years old yet!!)!! ISR for the win! www.infantswim.com #drowningprevention #swimmingwithjordan #infantswimmingresource


Drowning knows no season. Join me in praying for this sweet Frisco family!!


Can your 2 year old swim-float-swim across a 30+ ft pool AND have the abilities to self rescue?? Jacklynn Hoover’s son Garrett can!!! #ISR #thisisISR #savinglives


She just turned 3 and can swim-float-swim across a super long pool AND find the dive rings!!! You ROCK little Nora!! #thisisISR #infantswimmingresource


SO MUCH JOY in this sweet boy!!!! Autism doesn’t stop sweet Hayden from having a party in the water! He’s back this week for an ISR Refresher so he is reminded how to go face UP to access air in his rockstar float should he ever make his way to water unattended. (And of course just for fun when he swim-float-swim’s with his family all summer!). #1 cause of death in children with autism who wander off is drowning. We can help give these children the gift of the ability to self rescue through ISR! To find the instructor closest to you if you’re not local to me, visit www.infantswim.com & type in your zip code in the instructor locator! With Sherry Hicks Kraft


Website: http://www.swimmingwithjordan.com

Followers: 873


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