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MicroGlass was recently featured on Pool and Spa News check it out. Via Pool & Spa News : Industry Veterans Develop New Finish Protectant https://www.poolspanews.com//industry-veterans-develop-new&


One year after MicroGlass application on heavy nodule growth. From thousands to less than 10. Try It For Yourself! Call us at (813) 265-3426 or visit our website MicroGlassLLC.com


Pool Renovation with MicroGlass in 10 steps.


Yes, MicroGlass is cutting-edge, but it wasn't invented yesterday. MicroGlass has been used on hundreds of swimming pools in the United States for more than 15 years. Our results are not based on speculation, but real-world results on all different types of pool interior finishes, both new and old, in many different environments, all over the U.S and beyond.


MicroGlass is a breakthrough product and process that literally hardens both new and old plaster, extending the life of your plaster, and helping to protect it from etching, spalling, color-loss, nodules, and shortened lifetimes, while simplifying your water chemistry management. It’s unlike any other pool plaster product you’ve ever seen.


MicroGlass is water-based, non-toxic, and environmentally safe. In fact, it’s FDA rated as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe).


When applied to Pool Plaster, Aggregates, Decks, or Masonry, MicroGlass will: Minimize surface etching, spalling, plaster dust, calcium nodules and color-loss. Dramatically increase the hardness and color-fastness of existing plaster.... Minimize interactions between plaster and chemicals in the water. Minimize / stop efflorescence on plaster, decks, pavers and more. Greatly simplify and reduce post-plaster start-up labor and chemical demands.


MicroGlass is not a waterproofing agent, nor a paint or coating, or anything remotely like that. MicroGlass is produced through a scientific process that penetrates the pool plaster matrix by up to half an inch, and chemically converts and displaces the soft, vulnerable calcium hydroxide with small but significantly harder glass-like silicates. (Hence the name MicroGlass.) By removing most of the calcium hydroxide, and filling most of the voids and capillaries with the MicroGlass, the application greatly minimizes the chemical interactions between the plaster and the pool water.


Pool Service Technicians love MicroGlass Will MicroGlass affect the chemistry and / or maintenance of the water? After MicroGlass has been applied, the pool finish will be more impervious to chemicals. As a result, you will likely see less fluctuations in pH (because we’ve minimized the reactions with the pool finish), and overall slightly less chemical usage.


Happy New Year, and we look forward in continuing to push the industry in 2022.


Imagine penetrating virtually every micro-crack, capillary, and void in a plaster or aggregate interior finish (or virtually any other any other cement product), and converting the soft calcium hydroxide into a glass-like silicate substance. THAT’S the Magic of MicroGlass!


Happy Holidays!


FAQ's - Existing Pool Plaster: Will MicroGlass affect the chemistry and / or maintenance of the water? After MicroGlass has been applied, the pool finish will be more impervious to chemicals. As a result, you will likely see less fluctuations in pH (because we’ve minimized the reactions with the pool finish), and overall slightly less chemical usage.


If you’re installing a new pool (or re-plastering an existing pool), MicroGlass is the perfect final step.


MicroGlass is NOT a temporary fix. The change is permanent. Learn more at MicroGlassLLC.com


Phone: +1 813-265-3426

Website: https://www.microglassllc.com/

Followers: 42


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