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Hi swimmers!! I have some bad news unfortunately this year we have gone through some rough times and lost so much. That being said we are going to focus on family time so I won't be offering lessons I'm hoping that next summer we will be back up and running again Things you can practice with or without a pool there's lots you can even do in the bath! -Pouring water over your kids heads letting it get in their eyes. Practice blinking the water out (no drying with wash c...loths!) -blowing bubbles- if they are nervous putting their face in the water you can hold water in your hands or in a bowl. - with a small amount of water in the bath have them practice laying on their back In a pool- -Kicking with straight legs -Slowly getting them to put their face in the water. ( first chin, lips, nose, cheeks, eyes...) -digging their arms **for tiny babies** In the pool holding them on their tummy *face up* any time they move their legs move them forward. They will learn that's what moves them forward! If they are comfortable getting their face under practice doing the SAME ROUTINE EVERY TIME! "One two three *breath sound and close mouth*" I'm happy to answer questions if you need just send me a message Happy swimming!


Hi swimmers! Unfortunately with the weather changing the pool is getting too cold and school is starting and everyone's getting so busy I've had a lot of cancellations so we'll have to be done for the season unless anyone knows of an indoor pool we could use. i'm sorry this was so short-lived. Next summer I'll start much earlier!! I had so much fun getting to know everyone! Hopefully you will be able to practice the things I showed you in the bath tub at least! If you pre-paid for a month and didn't get all your lessons in message me and we can figure something out


Hi swimmers I unfortunately have to cancel lessons today. As some of you know I have severe endometriosis and I am a wreck today.. I'd love to talk about rescheduling for another day this week. If you can make that work or are interested text me!! 541-973-7042 I'll be missing everyone today **Of course if you paid ahead it will count for the next lesson


Thunder lightning and hailing this is perfect swim lesson weather I don't know why I canceled haha


It's pretty nasty out here. Lots of thunder and lightning I think it would be smart to reschedule instead of getting here and and getting rained out


Looks like we have a chance of some thunderstorms let's hope those clouds stay away from our pool!


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