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Lake Day Saturday May 7th ! Swim Run - 10am - suitable for any swimmer who would like to try an "Aquathlon" whereby you exit the water, put on your run kit and experience this dual sporting discipline. I will cover the swim and run and most importantly, the transition between the two. There will be a chance to ask questions and then, without any expectation, have a go at a short distance swim and run which I will time - Who knows what this will lead you to next ! ... Paced Swim Session - 11am - If you enjoy open water swimming and would like more structure to it; or if you would like to know how to vary and apply different paces to your swim for fitness or efficiency, then come along and try this. I will introduce you to interval training in the water, at a managable distance and pace for you.


As a registered Coach at Clevedon Marine Lake, I will be offering a taster Swimrun and paced swim session this Saturday 7th May; and it is completely free ! Please see the attacked link to the Marine Lake website for full details and registration: www.clevedonmarinelake.co.uk


A huge thank you to the Swimmers - only a few of whom are in the photo - who took part in the Portishead Rotary Swimathon on Saturday: Two teams from Portishead & Clevedon Triathletes, and one team from my Masters sessions took part in the last session of the day. The total number of lengths will remain a mystery, since the lane counters were more interested in having a chat than counting lengths, but despite the results on the boards, all three teams smashed the target set earlier in the day, and it was all in a good cause ! Collectively, you all raised over 400 which is just brilliant ! I will be sending the donations off at the end of the week, so if anyone has any more, please send me a direct message. Thank you


Great performance for the swimmers at Masters this morning. A VO2 Max set including aquatic skills to make the most of the inevitable oxygen debt this type of training generates. I aim to cover all energy systems and techniques and if you want to join a structured swim session which will make you fitter, faster and improve your efficiency then come along to either: Monday 7-8pm or Friday 7-8am at Strode Leisure Centre. Call the Centre for details, or message me.


Masters tomorrow CANCELLED !!!!! - Friday 18th Feb 7am - will NOT take place as the pool will be closed all morning due to the impending storm. Please contact the Centre or check their website for opening times. See you soon....


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