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Ok guy's, were doing our drawing for April's Berries tomorrow night live at 8:00 pm It's gonna be a combo box of her monsters and candy berries as seen below. A dozen of her best, biggest, spookiest berries!! I will deliver them first thing Friday morning for breakfast :) Good luck to all of our wonderful customers. We appreciate everyone, as we muttle through the worst year I can remember.... Pool Doctor's to the rescue!! See more


Oh, oh, oh!! This puppy loves company Diamond almost pushed me in the pool today with love and shoving Fun, fun, fun Only do what you love!


One of my favorite babies Murphy is one of my boys! He's the best buddy!


Ok, I love my feline friends, even the piranha that bit me last week! Diamond won the contest of the poochie who loves me most!! The Chihuahua's won the award for the dog's that hate me most, since the piranha bit my leg! ouch by the way, it wasn't pleasant. I don't hold grudges, but I won't turn my back on that dog again I now can walk backwards to protect myself lmfao


Handsome Harley!


Fall is falling Pool Doctor's to the rescue!! This too shall pass:)


Happy Sunday everyone! Were loving life, hopefully your all relaxing :)


Leaves, leaves, leaves!Leaves, leaves, leaves!


You can't say I don't have fun! I annoy everyone with my silly antics Fu Covid!!!@@@$##@@ You won't ruin my Halloween!!


Here's a new cleanup project Day #1 Pool Doctor's to the rescue!


Phone: +1 661-878-0029

Followers: 591


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