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Just a few tips to remember around the pool this summer play it safe around the water


Morning everyone, If you have spoken to Andrea, Laura or any of our instructors regarding booking into the School Holiday Program, but haven't yet sent an email confirming, can you please do this ASAP. As you can imagine we have a number of items on our mind at the moment as we finalise plans for our last week, as well as plan for our holiday program, and we don't want anyone to miss out. ... Thank you Andrea


Hi Everyone We are still having issues with our phone, please message us via facebook messenger or email if you need to contact us. Thank you... Andrea and Laura See more


We have some great news!! Swimming lessons will be recommencing on the 9th November!! This will give us a 6 week uninterrupted term of lessons. We will be emailing all of our current students this week to reconfirm places, as we understand that everyones situation may have changed. ... For those students who reside in Metro Melbourne please don't dismay, your place is still booked for when restrictions allow you to rejoin us. For all our prospective students currently on our waiting list - we will contact you next week with enrolment forms and availability of classes for your child/ren. **Please note we do only have limited availability, but will try to accomodate where possible** We are so excited to be able to see you all in the pool once again. There will be plenty of new information coming out regarding how we will need to work together to keep CovidSafe, and we will post processes on our page as well as via email when we can. Please contact us via Messenger or email at [email protected] if you have any queries. Best Regards Andrea and Laura


Free CPR Course online set up by Former Wiggle Greg Page. 19 September 2020 The more people who know CPR the more people who can be saved. Register Here


Happy Easter to all our amazing students, their families and friends. Have a wonderful day and am sure the Easter Bunny spoilt everyone, stay safe and keep watch around the water these holidays! Love from Andrea, Laura and the HVSS Team


Good Morning everyone, All current families were emailed earlier this week to confirm they are returning, please check your emails to make sure it hasn't diverted into your junk/spam boxes. We are only waiting on a couple of responses. For anyone that is on our waiting list that has NOT completed an enrolment form, emails were sent out yesterday afternoon with an enrolment form to complete and return ASAP. Again please check your junk/spam folders in case our email has di...verted there. We are now working through our waiting list to TRY and place everyone in a class. We only have limited vacancies, but we are trying our very best to accomodate everyones requests. If you had already returned your enrolment either from way back in Term 1 or even just recently, we will be in contact over the coming days to let you know of any availability options for your child/ren. Have a great weekend everyone!! Andrea and Laura




We can't believe we are about to start the last week of swimming for 2020, a year that no one could have predicted. This week we will be our Water Safety week with lessons centred around saftey activities and a couple of fun games thrown in. We would love if all our students ages 3 up could please wear a tshirt and shorts over their bathers to wear into the water as part of our activities.... If you are unable to attend your lesson this week, please message us via facebook messenger or email (not on the phone) as we have a small gift for each child and would like to ensure every student receives theirs, even if we need to arrange a different time to collect. Looking forward to a fun week to finish up the year. Andrea, Laura, Claire, Sonya and Carenza


Good morning everyone, We have sent an email to all our current families this morning regarding returning next year. We seem to be having issues with those with gmail.com addresses which is quite strange, so we aren't entirely sure if they have got through or not. If you have a gmail.com address and have not received the "Returning to Swimming Lessons 2021" email, please let us know and I will resend it individually to you.... As always please check your junk/spam in case it diverts there. Thank you Andrea and Laura


1 more sleep and we are back in the pool from 9am tomorrow!!!! Are you excited? We are definitely excited!!!


An Easter Egg Hunt will be on at The Grove this Easter Sunday, bring the kids down for some extra chocolately fun!! https://www.facebook.com/791389351212133/posts/1424231964594532/




Our short but busy Term has finally finished for the year with a lots of safety information and activities to finish the year off with, and those crazy elves decided to hijack a plane for our last day From Andrea, Laura, Claire, Sonya and Carenza and our families, we would like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and we can't wait to see you all back again next year


A HUUUGE Happy Fathers Day to all our swim stars dads, granddads, stepdads, uncles, and special role models. We wish you the best day of all, and we hope we can all see you back in the pool soon. Have an amazing day, enjoy the sunshine and hug your families tight


For all our parents - its time to look after YOU, now that the kids are going back to school, time to destress, have a laugh, and bonus is we can get fit whilst doing it. https://www.facebook.com/107936803948430/posts/371539664254808/


This is an amazing opportunity for parents grandparents carers to get on board this free opportunity to learn CPR #kidsalivedothefive


Huge thank you to all our Monday morning students and families for their patience and participation in our improvised Water Safety lessons this morning after the pool was unavailable for use due to some technical issues. We hope you all had a little bit of fun in the sun, enjoying the walk down to the lake, to learn about some of the dangers of waterways in our own backyard and how we can look after them. We also hope the consolatory icypoles went down ok as well. Thank you ...all again. Andrea, Laura, Claire, Sonya and Carenza


Thank you to all our students old and new and to their families for assisting us by following the new processes, keeping everything running smoothly and just having a big smile on your faces. (Even under the masks) Thank you all for welcoming our new staff Claire, Carenza and Sonya, they have had a great week getting to know you all. We are extremely thankful to each and everyone one of you for being patient, encouraging of your children, and of us. We feel very lucky to have... such amazing families attend our swim school, especially as we navigate this thing called COVID. Our first week is over.....5 more weeks until the end of this very short term, but we are so glad we are able to get our students back in the water ready for summer!! Andrea and Laura




How many Easter Eggs are in the glass jar at The Grove???? Better pop in to put your guesses in so you can Win the ultimate prize!!


To all our valued clients.. With much investigating and deciphering the new stages put out by the federal government we will not be permitted to re-open until after Nov 23rd...& only if (no) Covid cases hopefully this may change 8 mths of closures for an industry that has (always) had to maintain strict hygiene practices & is regularly monitored by the local health Dept as well as an industry that has had no evidence of covid transmissions ... We can only pray we can get back in the water before the end of the year we will keep you all updated as it evolves stay safe and we miss all your beautiful faces terribly hope to see you all back soon


More details for the Egg Hunt. https://www.facebook.com/events/242492127559629/permalink/242492140892961/




Welcome back to all our returning families and Welcome to all our new families! We hope you all enjoyed your lessons today and just getting back in the water. We really enjoyed seeing all the happy faces and we know this week may take the students a little to get back into the swing of things, but we know it wont take long for it all to come swimming back to them Looking forward to seeing everyone over the coming week ... And a huuuuge thank you to Tara at Beveridge Balloon Bar for our Absolutely AMAZING balloon arch to Welcome everyone back to swimming


Nows the time to book in. https://www.facebook.com/107936803948430/posts/377612920314149/


Well the announcements today sound very promising Laura and I do need to clarify a few things first as there are a couple of points that are unclear. We will let everyone know more in the coming days!!


Good Afternoon Everyone, We have had a few enquiries this afternoon regarding lessons and enrolments once we reopen. Please note that the best, most efficient way to contact us is via messenger through our page or via email at [email protected] ... We can currently only provide information based on operations prior to closing, due to the unknowns of new restrictions. The information we provide may alter dependent on the release of restrictions, but we are hoping our class sizes which are already small, are not required to reduce further. We will send enrolment forms out to new students on our temporary waiting list, once we can confidently provide a reopening date, and current students are all placed in their respective classes, giving us an accurate picture of what vacancies we will have available. (If you had provided us with an enrolment form prior to the end of Term 1 you are already at the top of our waiting list) At Hidden Valley Swim School we want to ensure a safe environment for all our students, teachers/staff and families as well as the member community at Hidden Valley Resort, before rushing to reopen. Please message us with your email address and any questions and we will answer them as quickly as we can. We can't wait to see all our students and families again and meet new students and their families once we can get back in the pool. Kind regards Andrea and Laura






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