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Monday’s can be stressful So here’s sweet floating Miss N to cheer up your timeline


M, 18 months, is now fully skilled and completed her checkouts last week. Great job sweet girl!


I’m going to start doing more of these in the future. Look at Mr. H’s progress! You know all the smiling faces and calm babies you see in my pictures and videos? Well, surprise! The majority of them start out exactly how H is in the first photo: upset and unskilled. Remember, they don’t yet know me in those early days and it takes a little time to build trust with me. The water is also a new environment they are learning to navigate independently. Think back to how it felt the last time you were new at something...Finally, the value in what I’m teaching them can take time to click. It doesn’t all quite make sense at first. Then little by little, they progress and the transformation is amazing! Great job H!


Love getting these videos from swim parents! This girl has not been in the water at all for almost two solid months and look at her on vacation! Great job A!


M, 4 years old, has gone from not wanting to get his face wet and not wanting to leave the steps to an absolute rockstar swim-float-swimmer! Proud of you M!


Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Miss M and Knoxville ISR!


Water Safety Wednesday! This. Is. ISR. Special thanks to Robert Smith for directing, shooting, and editing this beautiful video.


Look at this little mermaid!Miss S, 2 years old, started as a floater with me at the age of 1 and has now come back to learn to swim-float-swim. Great job S!


A common question I get asked: Is this program just for infants and toddlers? Is my child too old for ISR? The answer: No!! ISR teaches up to 6 years of age and beyond in special circumstances. ... Here is Miss E, 5 years old, showing off what she’s learned in just two and a half weeks!


Parents Because I know many of you have just had or expecting another baby, I want to make you aware of an awesome product! It’s a waterproof ring sling carrier to allow you to practice swimming with your older kiddos while also still being able to hang on to your little babies! Also great for floaters when you want to just hang out in the pool.


At only 8 months, not only does Miss A have the skills to save herself in the event of an aquatic emergency, but she also already has a solid foundation of aquatic skills to continue to build upon as she grows! Also, is she not cutest?? Way to go A!


Brothers Happy #FloatFriday ! Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Young children who never learn how to swim become teens and adults who don’t know how to swim! So important.


Easter is coming up and swim suits make great Easter basket additions! Make sure you are buying bright and bold colors for your littles to avoid blending into the water. Supervision is the first layer of protection against drowning, make it easier to have eyes on your child.


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