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Her voice may be sweet and quiet but her words speak volumes and her skills are strong! Towards the end of lessons we help the child practice their skills in a way that mimics a water emergency like falling in. This way the child is ready no matter what way they enter the water. Amazing, right!?! #swimwithAnnetteISR #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer


Happy Valentine’s Day! I LOVE teaching my students ISR self rescue and can’t wait to be back in the water with them tomorrow! Hoping your day is filled with all the people and things you LOVE


Now booking refreshers and maintenance lessons for December! Refresher lessons are so important to keep a little ones skills sharp all year round so they are ready just in case an emergency happens. If your child completed lessons in June 2020 or before it’s time to schedule. Email me today: [email protected] #swimwithAnnetteIsR #thesoonerthesafer #notonemorechilddrowns


Celebrating with all these new ISR graduates! They have all completed 6 weeks of ISR self rescue lessons and can successfully save their own life in case of a water emergency. I am so proud of each of you and will see you in 6 months for refreshers! #swimwithAnnetteISR #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer #graduation


If you’re thinking about ISR lessons for your little one this year, NOW is the time to reach out! Think about this: if your child starts lessons in the middle/end of March, they will complete their lessons by the first week of May, just before pool season in NWO. ISR self rescue is a 6 week investment into your child’s future. Sign up today! Email me to select your preferred time slot: [email protected]... #swimwithAnnetteISR #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer


Join me in congratulating all of these amazing ISR students! They can all successfully save their own life in case of a water emergency. I am so proud of each of you and will see you this summer for refreshers! #swimwithAnnetteISR #notonemorechilddrowns


I’M a great STARFISH In my pool, positive reinforcement is KEY! I ask parents to continually encourage their little one from the side of the pool and work with each student to really believe in their strong skills. Many parents can attest that the confidence that a little one builds in the pool translates to other skills on land. Ready to watch your little ones confidence bloom? Email me about ISR lessons today: [email protected] ... #swimwithAnnetteISR #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer


Have you scheduled your child’s refreshers yet? I have a few last minute October openings and space in November. Email me today to get your little one on the schedule and their skills sharpened. [email protected] #swimwithannetteisr #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer


Happy Graduation little ones! I am so proud of all of your hard work and thank you to each one of the parents for your commitment to your child’s safety. Have a happy Fall and I’ll see you for refreshers! #swimwithAnnetteISR #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer


Happy Float Friday! Ending another great week of lessons and I am always so happy to have more kiddos in Northwest Ohio that are safe in and around the water. Cheers to a great weekend! #swimwithAnnetteISR #Notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer


Look at all these amazing little starfish. Hoping you’re taking time to float through the week. It’s always a good idea to get some rest and catch your breath #swimwithannetteisr #notonorechilddrowns #notonemorechilddrowns


Even MORE graduates! Congratulations to all of my evening graduates! They can all save their own life in case of a water emergency. I look forward to seeing you all this summer for more water fun! #swimwithAnnetteISR


I hope you’re enjoying this wonderful FALL weekend with your family. My swim kiddos are so cute posing with my little fall set up after they work hard in the water. Lots of fun in and out of the water happening at Miss Annette’s pool! Can’t wait for another week of teaching little ones to stay safe in and around the water. #swimwithAnnetteISR #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer #fall


She’s ready to go play in all the snow AND can still save her own life in case of a water emergency! Did you know over 80% of drowning accidents happen fully clothed? Swimming was not in the plans when the little boy or girl found the water alone. This is why I ensure all of my students can use their skills in full winter and summer clothes. Want to learn more about the ISR difference? Email me today: [email protected] ... #swimwithAnnetteISR #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer


I absolutely love the encouragement and relationships that get built around the pool. These little ones had their 6 week lessons back to back. They would cheer each other on through lessons and their moms got to bond over being swim moms now. Here they are 6 months later. They stayed in touch and wanted to schedule their refresher lessons back to back too ISR is so much more than just swim lessons! #swimwithAnnetteIsR #thesoonerthesafer #notonemorechilddrowns


Swimming into Monday with EYES OPEN and looking for the target ahead! One of the first skills learned in ISR is for the swimmers to open their eyes under water. This is taught so that little ones will begin to look for safety at the edge of the pool, pond or body of water. This skill is truly life saving and teaches them to always be aware of their surroundings in the water and help them make quick decisions for safety. Ready to learn more about ISR for your family? Email ...me today: [email protected] #SwimwithAnnetteISR #thesoonerthesafer #notonemorechilddrowns #HappyMonday


She is serious about her ISR skills! She may not be amused by my video taking but this little one has a beautiful starfish even in FULL WINTER COAT! ISR skills keep little ones safe in case of emergency and set them up with a great foundation for lifelong fun in and around the water. Ready to schedule lessons for your son or daughter? Email me today: [email protected]


Happy Float Friday! Finishing up another week of lessons with a grateful heart for each and every child I get to help stay a little safer in and around the water. Have a great weekend! ... #swimwithAnnetteISR #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer


They have their shades on and their skills refreshed! Is your child due for refreshers? ISR recommends 2 week refresher lessons every 6 months to make sure your child’s skills grow with their body and remain sharp in case of a water emergency. Email me today to schedule your refresher lessons through the end of the year: [email protected] #swimwithannetteisr #notonemorechilddrowns #thesoonerthesafer


Swim-Float-Swim sequence in ACTION! It’s important to notice she always stays horizontal in the water. Facedown for swimming with eyes open and face UP for floating in starfish for rest and air. This sequence can be repeated until the child reaches the edge, steps or target. ... Want to learn more info about ISR lessons? Email me directly: [email protected] #swimwithAnnetteISR #thesoonerthesafer #notonemorechilddrowns


Phone: +1 419-350-9900

Website: http://www.swimwithannetteisr.com

Followers: 1944


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