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I am officially an approved vendor with Pacific Coast Academy! Pass the word to your homeschool friends, I got a warm pool and have open slots on Tuesday and Fridays. Message me for availability.


Rocking some new sunglasses and my face shield!! #lovemyjob


The American Red Cross says that these 5 steps are key for water safety and competency. 1. Enter water that’s over your head, then return to the surface. 2. Float or tread water for at least 1 minute. 3. Turn over and turn around in the water.... 4. Swim at least 25 yards. 5. Exit the water. This student of mine is 3 years old and we've been working together for 2 summers now. He is diving to about 4 feet and coming up to tread water! We started off 2xs a week and have been doing lessons 1x a week for a month. So proud of this kid and all that he has accomplished! Next step is to work on strokes and learn how to dive.


I am so proud of this 3 year old student of mine. Our first 3 lessons, we spent our time together just learning how to breathe correctly, blow bubbles, and getting more comfortable with the water on his face. I believe this is our 8th lesson together and our very last lesson, he swam to me!!


Have to brag about this sweet 5 year old. She has gone from no experience in the water and no formal swim lessons to swimming across the pool! It's amazing what she has accomplished in so short of time. Way to go friend!!


This is our 6th and last lesson. Our primary goal was to transition away from the doggie paddle and learn the front crawl. Not only did we do that but this 5 year old learned the back stroke and dive in the deep end!!


Last year, when we first started together, she wouldn't put her face in and preferred floaties. After 8 lessons, she was swimming. This year, she's learning strokes and becoming a more efficient swimmer. So proud of my friend! You've come so far.


Great news!! We are getting a water heater installed so I can continue teaching private swim lessons all year long. Waahoo!! This is my home backyard pool and I live in Fallbrook. If you are interested in private swim lessons, please send me a message to check my availability.


Heads up, I'm booked until August!! Please let me know if you want to be added to a waitlist. Thank you!!Heads up, I'm booked until August!! Please let me know if you want to be added to a waitlist. Thank you!!


I absolutely love this 2 year old trying to go under water by himself. He is soo proud of himself!! I am a firm believer that children should never be forced underwater, especially when they are crying. I work with a lot of children who dislike water on their eyes and are fearful of the water in general. It can take a while to learn proper breath control or even understand what to do when water hits your face, but it requires patience, lots of cues and practice.


We learn all different things in lessons. One of the most important things that I teach is to have kids roll or float on their back. This is an important skill for water safety!! It allows for children to have easy access to air to catch their breath or relax.


This is my 3 year old friend who I've been working with since last year. By the end of last summer, he could make it to point a to point b if he fell in. This year my goal is to get him 100% water safe. This is our 7th lesson together and the first time, he rolled on his back!! So proud of him!!!


It shocks me when I hear one of my parents tell me that their previous swim school doesn't allow them near the pool. I have even heard that the swim schools tell the parents they must NOT teach them anything and can only take swim instruction from the teacher. How do we expect to have our children aware of water safety if the parents have no say or not get educated on what to properly teach their children? Obviously there's certain times, the parent must be out of eyesight ...but it is very important to me that parents or grandparents are involved at or around lesson time. Do you agree or disagree? Thoughts.


I am always looking to improve my business and research more ways to help me be a better teacher. If you have taken lessons from me, please leave me a review on this facebook page. Would love your thoughts!


Congratulations to my wonderful friend who conquered some major fears today! Even though you pushed me in first We have been working for a couple months together and we just started jumping in last week. Not only did he jump in from a significant height, he also went down the water slide. #everyonecanlearntoswim #downsyndrome #conqueryourfears #peaceofmindswimming


One of the fun things I like to do with my young students is have them jump to the wall. I really want them to understand the importance of the pool wall in regards to water safety. I prop them on my legs and lean them towards the wall to grab. As they get better about grabbing the wall, I step a little farther away from the wall so they can learn to reach and grab. Once they get that, then we practice going under the water and grabbing the wall. (This student is 2 years old.)


Thank you so much for all those that refer me when someone asks about swim lessons on Facebook. Because of you guys, I am officially booked in August!Thank you so much for all those that refer me when someone asks about swim lessons on Facebook. Because of you guys, I am officially booked in August!


Shout out to one of my students who passed his Boy Scout Swimming Merit Badge!!! Congrats Jon!Shout out to one of my students who passed his Boy Scout Swimming Merit Badge!!! Congrats Jon!


Phone: (760) 975-9302

Website: http://peaceofmindswimming.com

Followers: 338


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