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Literally the sole reason I got into ISR. After hearing this story, God sewed some seeds in my heart that I just couldn’t shake, and I took this dream and ran with it! Thank you for opening your heart, Erica! You’re a gem and many MANY lives will be saved because of you!


I hope all of my swim students have a great and safe Labor Day weekend! I’ll see you all again on Tuesday!


I’ve never had a personalized car tag in my life. To say I was excited to get this one would be an understatement #isrtusc #isrtuscaloosa #isrnorthport #mrshaley


So proud of this little dude!


Please read if you and your family are ever around water


Happy Thanksgiving!


We need you help to save our swim school & countless lives!!! https://gf.me/u/x93n4c WE SEE THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY! What is it? It’s digging kicks or bicycle ...kicks. What’s wrong with them? Well, this student can’t get to or stay on a float because she has been in a puddle jumper for years. Her muscle memory has shaped these kicks, from being in the vertical position. We are correcting her kicks so that she will no longer put herself in a vertical / drowning position. If she were to get in the water to deep and no one saw her.. she would drown 100%. THIS IS SCARY! THIS IS NOT A JOKE! Please research the dangers of floaties! See more


For those mamas and daddies asking if their kids will walk away knowing how to really swim once lessons are over


Tuscaloosa/Northport parents: I will be opening up a few more time slots starting Monday, August 31st. If you’re interested and/or I haven’t reached out to you yet, please send me a message here or email me at [email protected] and I can give you more information


Shedding happy tears for moments like this Isr MrsHaley


‘How do you listen to them cry?’ Morgan says, ‘I would give anything to hear them cry.’


Phone: (205) 478-7817

Website: http://www.isrtuscaloosa.com

Followers: 423


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