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Know of a pool that has a pump room needing any repairs or renovation? Let us know, we’re here to help! Below are some before and after photos of a couple pump rooms Shawn worked on.


Swimming season may be delayed this year, but it’s never too early to teach kids about the risk of drowning and how to protect themselves. Learn more at https://bit.ly/2KCgbBc @MayisNWSM #NWSM2020 #NationalWaterSafetyMonth #WaterSafetyMonth #SwimSafely #DrowningIsPreventable #BeWaterAware


As pools are getting ready to open for the summer, don’t forget that water safety is a crucial part of the swimming experience. Freshen up on some great tips to keep you and your family safe this season! https://www.redcross.org//ty/water-safety/swim-safety.html


We are day dreaming of summer days at the pool! Who else is ready for the warm sunshine and cannonballs?!


Phone: +1 412-407-2636

Website: http://www.swimpittsburgh.com

Followers: 115


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