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Same pool, slightly different angle - before / after.


Filter cleaning time. Get those cartridges and grids nice and clean but don't forget to replace the damage ones, unfortunately if one is damage it very probable that most or all need replacing.


Got Phosphate? Keeping levels on the lower end is just another way to prevent algae growth, along with balanced chemicals, clean baskets, brushing and the occasional filter wash.


The roads I will drive to clean your pool.


Weird stains appearing in your pool? It's probably biological. On windy days don't wait for the vacuum to do all the work, it'll probably get stuck anyway and go days unnoticed - and before you know there's stains everywhere. No worries, in time they will disappear because of the chlorine but it doesn't hurt to be proactive. Eucalyptus leaves are the worst!


Jackpot! How many different critters can you spot in this pool's skimmer?


Survey your surroundings, windy days can bring out the worst in backyards. Trim trees, cut back bushes, secure furnitures.


Rainy days like these it's impossible to see the bottom of the pool from the deck, best wait a day for pool cleaning. Enjoy the wonderful weather!


It's that time of the year. Pool filters should be cleaned at least twice a year. Your pool may look crystal clear but all those contaminants, debris, body oils, ash from fires, lawn clippings, etc. have been in the filters waiting to be hosed out till now. Your pump will love you for it. November & May are ideal in many ways, mild temperatures and just before & after the heavy swim season to name a few. So go ahead take an hour this weekend and get it done, or call me and I can give an estimate.


Staying busy cleaning filters.


Before and after.


Humans aren't the only ones enjoying back yard pools. Found four of these guys in one pool!


With schools shut down and events cancelled, use the extra time and helpers to get those weeds pulled up. Recent rains has made grounds nice and soft to make for easy removal.


Phone: (619) 227-9857

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