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I’m so sorry, but we will have to stop lessons after Wednesday evening, 4th November, for the duration of the lockdown. I will be sending an email to everyone tomorrow, but all lessons up to and including this Wednesday evening will be on as booked. Will miss you all, take care everyone


Hi everyone sorry about the delay in opening again, but can’t wait to see all in January. Have a wonderful Christmas xx


Well I’m so sorry we have to shut again, Thankyou all my lovely swimmers and parents for your ongoing support xx


I have the pleasure of teaching an amazing young 10 year old girl who despite her disabilities, has learnt to Swim all 4 strokes to a good standard, has boundless enthusiasm and will try anything new. She is an inspiring young lady. If anyone is scared of swimming, scared of water, or thinks they can't do it, give it a go like Abi has, it's amazing what you can achieve if you try. Well done Abi, I love our lessons xx


Thankyou for your lovely pictures, Amelie, Thea, and Chloe, they will be kept in my treasure box,(given to me by a mermaid who got it from Captain Jack Sparrow) xxx


Looks fantastic


Hi all my lovely swimmers parents, can you send me your addresses so as I can send the children Christmas cards please? Really looking forward to starting lessons again in the new year, missing everyone xxHi all my lovely swimmers parents, can you send me your addresses so as I can send the children Christmas cards please? Really looking forward to starting lessons again in the new year, missing everyone xx


Well done to isabel, peter,Amelia and Jacob who all received certificates for their progress in swimming on monday, and to all my little seahorses who are a joy to teach xxWell done to isabel, peter,Amelia and Jacob who all received certificates for their progress in swimming on monday, and to all my little seahorses who are a joy to teach xx


Hello seahorse parents, please make sure all your children see this video before lessons start again.... don’t want my pool mask to scare anyone!!!!


Proud of all my lovely swimmers who are doing so well, and all trying really hard, in amongst throwing water balls at me, and having fun. Lots of giggling and laughter xxProud of all my lovely swimmers who are doing so well, and all trying really hard, in amongst throwing water balls at me, and having fun. Lots of giggling and laughter xx


Latest Information from the Swimming Teachers Association regarding the use of Private pools. Hi Garry, Since the UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy was announced earlier this week, there have been many questions about the use of ‘private’ residential swimming pools for teaching ‘socially-distant’ swimming to friends / family members for example from another household. To clarify the regulations, all commercial swimming pools are to remain closed until at least early ...in July - and if a private residential swimming pool was to be used prior to this date by a ‘paying’ customer, by default it becomes classed as a ‘commercial’ swimming pool and the residential pool owner would be breaking the law. This rule applies to both indoor and outdoor residential pools home-based pools must only be used by the residing people, one household. This social distancing rule equally applies to a swimming teacher who might be invited to teach within a different household where there is a residential pool it would not be permitted. The measures announced this week, which give members of the public unlimited daily exercise, so long as they adhere to social-distancing regulations and remain with either their own household or just one person from outside their household, ONLY apply to activities that take place outside of the home. We must ALL adhere to current Government guidelines that clearly state that swimming pools (of all types, both indoor and outdoor) MUST remain closed. Dave Candler STA CEO


Hello all my Seahorse’s and families, hope you are all safe and well? Have finished all the outdoor painting now so it looks lovely and fresh when we can reopen. Can’t wait to see you all again xx


Anyone wanting soft, non silicon swimming hats for kids? Follow this link:https://www.amazon.co.uk//ref=pd_yo_r/257-1572749-7244034


Hi everyone, just watching the covid briefing and am very happy to confirm swimming lessons will start again on Monday 4th January as planned. I can’t wait to see everyone, but can I please stress that if you or your children, have any covid symptoms, or have been contacted to say you should self isolate, please ring me and cancel your lesson. Looking forward to seeing you all next week


Hi everyone, if you look further down this page,you will find the swimming teachers association on opening private pools. Basically, we can’t start teaching in our pool until at least early July, and that will only happen if the government allows public pools to open. I’m sorry about this. I miss all my swimmers, and those at Teignmouth Swimming Club and was hoping to get back to normal before then, but we must follow government guidelines as I’m sure you understand. Hope all of you are well and happy xxx


We are open at last!! Fantastic morning with 4 lovely little seahorses who were all amazing, even with me wearing my full face mask! Looking forward to welcoming back my regulars and meeting lots of new children this week


Hooray, we can finally start swimming lessons again from 25th July. I will be in touch with all of my regulars and children who have asked about lessons over the next few days. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. If anyone is not coming back to lessons, please let me know so as I can start someone from the waiting list


Hi to all my seahorse swimmers and your families. I just want to let you know we are hoping to reopen in July, just waiting for the Swim England guidance but we are already putting measures in place to follow covid 19 measures. There will obviously be some changes to how I run the lessons which I will send to you via you’re email addresses if I have them, or by text if not. Please can everyone let me know if you still want lessons, or plan to stop for now? Hoping all of you and your families are happy and well, can’t wait to see you all again, and yes the BBQ will happen xx


My latest paintings. Have been busy waiting to be able to teach my lovely swimmers, but today’s the day, hurray!!


4 children had lessons today and they were all lovely. Great to welcome you back Florence, Abi and Thea, and well done Barney in your first lesson. Xx


Hi everyone, we are not sure if we can open next week, if so, I was hoping to provide some lessons before Christmas, unfortunately I broke my toe in work yesterday, and unable to weight bear, so on crutches!! I aim to start up again in January and will contact all my swimmers/families as soon as I know what date. If I don’t see you before Christmas, please have a great one and keep safe, love to all the children xx


Fantastic week with my swimmers. 4 received certificates so well done, Barney, Thea, Florence and Phoebe. All 11 children progressing well so watch this space


Phone: 07988836378

Address: Raleigh Road TQ14 9ND

Followers: 108


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