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Miss Lexington is only 10 months old and knows where to find her air. #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Catch us LIVE on Monday morning. DON'T MISS IT!!


Mr. Jonah could float forever! #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Jonah was back at it this year. #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Sweet Hendrix! #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Giving children of all ages the skills to safely enjoy the water. #skillsbeforethrills #freedom #freefromfloaties #norestraints #dontholdthemback #givethemskills #watchthemsoar #seethemswim #isr #isrforney #ntxswim


At only 17 months old, Hendrix loved to swim like his brother! #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


We most definitely will be putting these kicks to good use next year! Lexi (10 months) has to keep up with her big brother! #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Just look at that smile! Bodhi - 3 yrs old #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Maintenance lessons are designed to fine tune your child's existing ISR Self-Rescue Skills to meet the demands of their growing bodies. This is especially important during the colder months when there is not access to pools. There are just a few spots left.


Bodhi (3 yrs old) had a ton of fun and gained so much confidence in the water. #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Thank you, to the Smith family. #notonemorechilddrowns #isr


Differentiation...a key word when teaching ISR. Why you ask? Because every child learns different. What may have worked for older brother, may not work for lit...tle sister. What worked yesterday, may not work today. It’s about working with what the child is giving you. Each time you come for your child’s lesson, it will be one on one with myself. Each lesson is tailored to how reactive they (your little one) was the lesson before. Asher came to me as a swimmer. After about 7 lessons I realized he wasn’t kicking his feet like he should. Come to find out, he hadn’t actually began walking (even though on paper his age said he should be). Being in the water with me was the first time he’d been exposed to moving his feet other than crawling. By the end of the 6 weeks- he began walking more and after his float was mastered his swim got even better. iSR is a process, an everyday process. Believe in the process and you’ll be amazed by what your little ones can learn.


Kaden (2yrs) most definitely prefers to swim over floating, but knows when he needs to stop and take a breath! #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Blair (2 yrs old) has made my top 10 of most stubborn kids every year since she was 6 months old. This girl can hold her breath forever and hates to float! I am happy to know that she is confident and safe! #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Berkley turned 2 on our last day of refresher lessons this year. #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Berkley (2yrs old) was quite the stubborn girl this year! #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


We hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season and have kicked 2021 off to a fantastic start. We are excited to announce our first few sessions of the season. Our Forney and Dallas sessions are now open for scheduling. The link to schedule is provided!! Please take note the only session that we are teaching past 6pm is in our Spring Forney Session! It begins on Monday, April 5th, 2021. We look forward to working with you and your children!! Be sure to contact us with any and all questions. https://www.webaccomplice.org///infantswimforney_group/0//


Miss Blair was back for refreshers this year! #isrforney #infantswimforney #ntxswim #isr #isrsaveslives #safeisfun #swimandfloat #skillsbeforethrills


Phone: +1 214-454-0588

Website: http://www.infantswimforney.com

Followers: 2221


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