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Hello all hope you are all still keeping well and safe. To all of you who have returned to school this week. Keep safe and enjoy. And to all those still schooling from home like me try to stay focused and find something good and new to learn. I have no news about swimming pools still but as soon as I do I will share it with you all. Miss you all take care and keep well . Lesley xx


Hi all . Hoping you are all still keeping well and safe. As you have probably heard on the News pools are going to be allowed to open from 25th July. How ever as you probably realise neither of the pools we use will be up and running until Sept because of the school summer closure. I have applied to both Schools to hire the facilities but haven’t had a decision from either yet. As soon as I have more news I will let you know. For the people who swim at Sidegate we have the exciting news that during the summer we are to have new windows and doors and the pool is to have decorators in. Keep safe and I will hopefully be in touch again soon Regards Lesley


Hi Everyone. Hope you are all still keeping safe and well. I have now heard back from both Schools and we have been given the go ahead to return to lessons in Sept. obviously there have had to be changes made, you will all hear from me by mail in the next couple of weeks telling you about the changes etc. If you hear nothing please get in touch because it may mean I have the wrong address for you. Looking forward to seeing you all again in a few weeks time regards Lesley


Hi All. Lots of people are messaging after yesterday’s broadcast . I have no crystal ball and therefore have no idea if we will have to shut for 4 weeks or not. Our governing body is speaking with government officials on Wed as schools are staying open don’t see why we can’t if we are only teaching school age children but who knows . All I can tell you is that no one will loose their money I will simply issue credits x4 on our return. However at the moment some people have paid and some haven’t . I respectfully ask that you pay as usual and don’t subtract your own 4 weeks as this will mess up my book work (and probably my brain as well thank you and I will be in touch as soon as I have news regards Lesley


Message for the parents of Mila Flude and Chloe Barr. Need to send you documentation for return in Sept . Have phone numbers but no address please could you send to me either oncF/B page or by text thank you regards Lesley


Hi all very sorry but Chlorine still too high for us to swim at Murrayfield tonight Thursday 24th Sept . C u all next week regards Lesley


The lessons at Sidegate will begin on Wed 25th Sept for the people from Murrayfield thank you Lesley


Message to all who swim Monday eve at Murrayfield sooo Sorry pool out of actionshould be fine for wed if any of you would like to do Wed or Thursday please contact me and I will try to accommodate thank you Lesley


Dear all unfortunately all lettings at Murrayfield have been cancelled with immediate effect so there will be NO swimming until after Easter. I will try to keep people as up to date as possible. Stay safe and hopefully see you all soon Regards Lesley


Good Afternoon everyone. I have spoken to the Principal at Murrayfield School and she has assured me that the pool will be up and running for Sept, so providing all runs smoothly our start back date will be Monday 13th Sept. this will allow us to fit in 13 weeks. 3 owed from Nov Lock down and 10 paid for the term we have just missed. Have a lovely summer and see you all in Sept. regards Lesley


Hi all . To those of you who have been in touch or who have returned your forms already - thank you. To those of you who haven’t if you want to return please send back forms ASAP . I have some spaces for Sept which I really do need to fill in order to keep lessons at a good price so please could you share with your friends and family. Thank you regards Lesley


Lessons at Sidegate on Saturday mornings will resume on 5th Dec same groups as before lock down regards Lesley


Hi everyone Sidegate pool up and running again so see you all tomorrow - Lesley


Morning all . Just wanted to say a Happy Mothersday to all Broughton School if Swimming’s amazing Mother’s/Grandmothers who help all year round getting the children to their lessons. This is a difficult time for all . Please stay safe and look after yourselves. Be in touch again soon regards Lesley


To all Sat morning swimmers at Sidegate. As I have had several enquires. There IS swimming tomorrow it is our last one until Sept and will be a play day - thanks Regards Lesley


Message for all those booked on intensive courses. Most classes are now full (although I have a few improver spaces) therefore any further enquiries will have to be turned away . For this reason all spaces booked will require payment even if you change your mind for whatever reason . Thank you regards Lesley


Hi All Sidegate is going to be out of action until after Easter. Please if you can make it come to 4pm classes at Murrayfield if not please watch the page for updates thank you regards Lesley


Hi All I have just been given the go ahead to start up lessons again on Thursday 3rd Dec at Murrayfield . I am still waiting to hear about Sidegate on Sat will post as soon as I know Regards Lesley


Happy Easter everyone. I hope your all staying safe and staying home. Looking forward to seeing you all on the other side of this.


Hi all who swim at Sidegate looks like we are good to go tomorrow


Message for swimmers at Murrayfield. Evening everyone, sorry to say that once again I have been let down by the school. Having been told that we could return to lessons on week beg 13th Sept. the pool is still empty and not in use. As it was in July. However I have managed to secure Sidegate pool for us on a Wed eve. This was the only pool time available, therefore it will have to be a first come first served basis. Sorry to disappoint again but beyond my control , thank you for your continued support regards Lesley


Hi All unfortunately I have been informed that Sidegate pool is out of action again. Although I cannot do anything about it I am truly sorry to disappoint you all . However I run the same lesson at Murrayfield school on Nacton road on Monday/ Wed/ Thurs all are welcome to come for a lesson at 4pm on any of these nights instead of Sidegate. If you do please park in car park between the community centre and school and enter via the wooden gate in the car park which I open at approx 3.45 . Please do not go to the schools main entrance thank you regards Lesley


Hi all just to let you know Murrayfield pool out of action today Wednesday 23rd Sept - sorry . However we are hoping it will be good for tomorrow Thursday 24th Regards Lesley


Good evening everyone as we suspected we have to lock down the lessons for 4 weeks. As long as lock down finishes on the 2nd Dec as they are saying . I am hoping to begin again on Thursday 3rd Dec, Saturday 5th Dec, Monday 7th Dec, Wednesday 9th Dec and then to fit one of the owed weeks in that last week if school. Obviously if things don’t go according to plan I will let you all know . Keep safe everyone and see you on the other side - Again regards Lesley


Hi everyone . Hope you are all keeping well and safe. Missing our weekly swims like mad as I’m sure you all are. Sure you are aware I.am unable to tell you when our return will happen but when it does we will kick start with a play day. Look after yourselves and hopefully see you all soon x


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