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If anyone finds a yellow and black DeWalt bag with a " drive impact , 2 batteries, charger, and 2 hex tools on the side of the road between exit 23 , south on 87 to exit 21, down to Matlbie's Chevrolet, I would appreciate it being returned. My employees left the tailgate down on the truck and it fell out along that route this morning between 845 and 9AM. Thank you !


It seems nothing is working in our favor this season.... with the stay at home / COVID-19 shut downs and usual unpredictable North East weather. Even with snow forecasted for this weekend.....it seems to be a battle all the way this year so far ! With that being said, we are starting to schedule openings. We are still not certain what the season holds for our commercial accounts-- Will the ability to travel / stay at home Executive Order be lifted the 15th ? 30th ? June some...time ??? Will people travel once able ? Or will they choose to stay home ? Will DOH / NY State force unreasonable guidelines to operate commercial / public swimming pools ? Or will they close them up for the year citing inability to "socially distance" in a swimming pool environment ? And as nice as it would be to have direct answers to these and many other questions, in typical NYS fashion there are no clear answers or directives to guide us..... However, residential customers are always able to enjoy their backyard, so make it an oasis !! So call us to get on the list !! Stay safe everyone


While we all are navigating these new realities of business, we want to thank our customers for their continued support and patience as we get back to providing you with excellent service. We normally begin opening pools in early April. Even starting that early, getting everyone operational for Memorial Day weekend always seems to provide some struggles. However, during these strange times, we have only been opening pools for the last 2 weeks. That's 5 weeks later than our u...sual season start time. While we did work overtime trying to accommodate as many of our customers as we could, we were not able to get to everyone. Also, with NY State on pause, any construction type work was also restricted until our region finally entered phase 1 late last week. So the projects we have that are considered "construction" were also not able to be completed. We thank you for your patience and understanding in this situation, especially with warm weather upon us now. We are working as quickly as possible to get to you ! But we will never get those lost 5 weeks back. We also realize there are a lot of questions when it comes to patron use of commercial swimming pools. We will continue to stay as informed as we can so that we can provide you with the best guidance. Currently, commercial swimming pools (any swimming pool regulated by NYS DOH -- hotels, motels, HOAs, community pools, etc) can be "opened" as part of sanitary maintenance of a property. The term "open" seems to have provided some confusion as some think this means that the swimming pool can be used for recreation. However, this is not correct. Use of the swimming pool for recreation is not allowed at this time. Under the current "phases" we are subject to, we have to be in phase 3 in order for the swimming pools to be used by partons for recreational use. This is of course subject to change. And we all know things change daily currently.


Like all of you, we have been following the daily changes in the State's response to the COVID-19 outbreak. With today's latest order for 100% non-essential workers to stay home, we will be effectively shut down until this is lifted. However, we are holding to the hopes that this will end sooner than later and that it will have little impact on our plans for this season. Luckily, we are still few weeks away for us starting up. And we are continuing to schedule spring work, s...o please do not forget to call or email to schedule your openings or other work you may need for this spring. As this event progresses, we may have to re-evaluate how much work we will be able to complete within certain time frames. And we may have to constantly adjust our schedules to fit the workplace closures as they are modified. As always, we will do everything within our power to fulfill our clients needs. However, this is an unprecedented event that, I hope, none of us will experience again. It is uncharted waters for sure. We hope everyone is staying safe and that this will soon be behind us so we can resume life as usual.


After listening to both President Trump and Governor Cuomo extending the stay at home guidelines today, and the changes Gov Cuomo enacted on "contracting" services on Friday, we are assessing when we will be able to return to work. Our primary concern is the safety of our employees and our clients. In some ways, we are lucky that we are still a couple of weeks away from our normal start of the season. If we were coming out of a normal winter, we would still have frozen pools..., snow on the ground, and swimming pools wouldn't be on people's minds YET. In other ways, with the early spring we are experiencing, we are unlucky. This would be a great opportunity to get an early jump on the season. A great time to start early and not have a time crush to complete everyone's needs. And now add in these issues with COVID-19..... We are assembling a list as customers call with hopeful opening dates. We are not able, as I'm sure is expected and understood, at this time to set dates for much, if any, of our work right now as we are not certain when these restrictions will be lifted. But we are looking into where our services fall in these regulations and will be returning to work as soon as we can safely do so. Please continue to call us so that we can get you on the list. We will be doing everything in out power to get some sort of a schedule and will setting things up in the order of being received once we know when we are able to get back to work and get a schedule set up. Hope everyone stays safe through all of this.


Phone: +1 518-744-3620

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