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The season is in full swing. Hop you are all enjoying the weather. We have had incredible demand for our filters thru Amazon - tell your friends and if you have questions, please email us at [email protected]


We are very happy to announce that our B filters are available to order! Visit our website for more details, www.orcafilters.com


Well happy New Year everyone. Ready for a most excellent season? We are ready to help you out with our re-usable pool filter. We also have some new filter screen media so if you are having any problems with the filter media not quite being fine enough, email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to talk to you about it. Stay cool, Mick


Check out our new video which highlights the benefits of an Orca Filter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dXvtjHBsyw


Check out our new video on when and how to clean your filter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwwfK3u_Hq8


An overview of why you should invest in an Orca Filter


So the season is winding down here in the mid-region of the US and our customers continue to be very happy with our product. Thanks to everyone for a great summer and keep enjoying it while you can. We have made great strides bringing our US-Made, eco-friendly product to market and thanks for all your support. We will continue to update you as we innovate over the winter so check our web page (http://orcafilters.com/blogs/news) for updates.


Our initial production run is Sold Out and we are into our second one. B filters are now also being sold. We feel very proud that we have helped a lot of people save a lot of money on filters and stopped a lot of used filters going into the landfill - woo hoo! If you haven't checked out our YouTube Channel you can do so here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvk0bxTiFG3KjNN-VFqEyZQ... Hope everyone has a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!


Phone: +1 970-316-2828

Website: http://www.orcafilters.com

Followers: 210


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