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Please understand, that Nevada is one of the 20 states that does require a secondary barrier a 4-foot in removable mesh fence around your pool. You might say, well there's no inspector coming around and checking on me. You also might say, aren't I grandfathered in?? I've owned this house 20 years. No, no, no!!!? You also might say, I don't have any children why do I need a fence? ... I want you to know you're rights and what is your liability as a homeowner or landlord with a pool in the backyard. Believe it or not you are responsible if a child does drown in your pool, whether it is company that came over or someone that trespassed. Do you want to lose all of your financial monies that you have worked so hard for over the years because the liability goes to you, the Homeowner.


Another customer that is ecstatic with our service. Here's before and after pics. They feel safer knowing that their kids can't climb their old wrought iron fence. That was rusting away from years of water splashing on it.


A few recent projects we've done in the last week or so.


Here's a couple of fun jobs over last few days. One was a pool remodel, where they added a lagoon. So we extended their fence and redesigned it for them. Then the other just needed some custom panels and gate to secure their patio. Which was custom paint and mesh as well. Give us a call if we can protect your investment in your family.




Happy HOT Vegas Weather Season It's that time of year to protect your family and pets from getting in the pool, unattended. Call us today for your FREE ESTIMATE and design layout for safety and practicality and prices that won't kill your wallet. Jody @702-445-0664. (You can also text me, if you just have a basic question or already know a day/time, you would like us to pop over).


Summer is here! What are you doing to keep all your family safe in the backyard? Feel free to call us and get your FREE ESTIMATE and Design Layout, that's also, price friendly for your budget. Jody @702-445-0664.


Over the last year we've ventured into some new areas. Here's one for indoor child Safety. Please, LIKE if you see the benefits and share if you could to help us get the word out.


Some recent beautiful installs, that protect their children and keep the backyards practical for fun.


That outdoor flooring project is finished and it overlooks the city. It doesn't generate heat, it's slip resistant and is foam rubber with a nice comfy feeling when you walk on it. They're 2ft x 2ft square and 3/16 -3/8" thick. There are many products in this line we can install to minimize accidents and create safe spaces in and around your home. Here's more info on what they have to offer at: Greatmats.com


This is a new product that we're installing. Its Foam Rubber tiles 2'x2' with slate texture to it. We just need to clean it and reinstall the fence so children don't fall over the second floor deck. These tiles are used around swimming pools, decks, concrete patios and can be used inside or outside. They have a 5yr guarantee and carry tons of other items. Go to Greatmats.com


Phone: +1 702-956-2566

Website: http://www.toddlersafetynv.com

Followers: 370


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